Case when google data studio?

Google Data studio CASE function helps create new fields that use conditional logic to determine the field values. CASE function is most often used to create new categories or groupings of data.

The CASE WHEN statement is a way of creating custom fields that create new data groups, and I’m going to show you exactly how to use this way of grouping information in Google Data Studio to supercharge your SEO reports This post is going to cover; What CASE WHEN statements are in Google Data Studio.

What is the case function in data studio?

The CASE function comes handy in this scenario. If you are using Google Data Studio, it is a must learned function. Like all other functions that Google Data Studio provides (over 50), the CASE function also has some features. The features/attributes of the CASE statement are listed below:.

The CASE statement lets you create new fields that use conditional logic to determine field values. The CASE statement can create new categories or groupings of data sets. This function is going to help you a lot if you are not a pro in Google Data Studio (GDS).

Google data studio drill down?

Google Data Studio allows you to drill down to view a particular data segment on just about any visual. For example, if you have a table with performance grouped by week, you could potentially drill down to see data by date for a particular week or data by date for all weeks in the table.

, help center Community Data Studio Create and edit data sources Model your data Calculated fields Function references Conditional CASE CASE Evaluates a list of conditions and returns the first matching result expression.

How do I add a drill-down chart to a report?

Adding drill-down charts to your reports can make them more interactive, reduce the number of separate charts required, and make it easier to find insights at various levels of detail in the data. Edit your report. Select a chart. On the right, in the DATA properties panel under Dimension, turn on Drill down.

Yet another query we ran across in our research was “How do you drill down on a chart?”.

An answer is that select a chart. On the right, in the DATA properties panel under Dimension, turn on Drill down. Add dimensions to the chart. Each dimension you add becomes another level of detail you can drill into. Select the Default drill down level., and add dimensions. Turn on drill down.

How do I drill down and back up in Excel?

Select a value (for example, Canada). Right-click the chart then click Drill Down. To drill back up, right-click the chart and click Drill Up. To restore the chart to the default (highest) drill-down level, right-click, then select Reset action.

How do I use drill-down in a report?

Rather than include two charts in your report, you can include a single chart with drill-down enabled. When drill-down is enabled on a chart, you can Drill down from a higher level of detail to a lower one (e. g, from Country to City).

How do I drill down to a specific dimension?

On the right, in the DATA properties panel under Dimension, turn on Drill down. Add dimensions to the chart. Each dimension you add becomes another level of detail you can drill into. Select the Default drill down level.

What is drill down and how do I use it?

This means you can examine multiple dimensions in one chart, meaning you can have more interactive tables and charts in your reports! I’ll show you some examples of how to use the Drill Down function in various charts and tables. The time series chart below shows a breakdown of sessions over time. You can choose to view it by date, month or year.

Drilling down gives you a way to reveal additional levels of detail within a chart. For example, suppose you want to report on sessions by country, and sessions by city. Rather than include two charts in your report, you can include a single chart with drill-down enabled. When drill-down is enabled on a chart, you can.