Why windows 7 is best?

Microsoft launched Windows 7 in 2009, and most of us have been using it ever since. Windows 7 have the greatest Community on the planet, having more than Hundred Million Users. A couple additional ideas to take a look at: searches made simple, safe & secure, fast & efficient, and windows 7 is a very efficient operating system.

Windows 7 is a very efficient Operating System. This means it uses relatively less memory & Processing Power, leaving plenty for your other programs. This is a stark contrast with windows Vista, which was a real pack of stones on your PC’s back.

So, why do people prefer Windows 7 over other operating systems?

But Window 7 is still the most preferring OS. Great Community Windows 7 have the greatest Community on the planet, having more than Hundred Million Users. If we face any issue or problem in it, there is strong probability somebody else will have the same issue & they will probably have asked for help or blogged out their experience.

What are the pros and cons of Windows 7?

Install and Boot times-The installation time is not drastically reduced from that of Vista, but Windows 7 sure is lightweight and fast and can deliver on both 32-bit and 64-bit systems. The startup and shutdown time is definite improvement, making it a smooth & stable contender.

Is Windows 7 still a good choice for You?

And the chances are there’ll be a lot of them given that Windows 7 currently has a market share of around 40 percent. Back in 2014 when Microsoft ended Windows XP support, the 2001 OS was running on some 25 percent of PCs. Going back to Windows 7 being considered a good choice by many users, the biggest question is why this happens.

Windows 7 is by far the greatest OS Microsoft has ever made, and if Windows 10 is a good sign of things to come, it is going to remain that way for all time. It was SO much better than Vista, and YES, it is better than XP.

Why is Windows 7 so popular in 2020?

As of April 2020, the user base of Windows 7 in the desktop/laptop segment stands a little over 25 percent. The main reason it’s so popular is due to its excellent compatibility with legacy apps Many people want to continue using the same software they have been comfortable with for a long time.