Go to your device Settings, scroll down, search for i. Cloud and click on it. Click on “i. Cloud” to open it. Scroll down until you find “Delete Account” and then click on it. Click on “Delete” again to confirm the deletion of the i, and cloud account.
What happens to your iCloud account when you delete it?
, the i Cloud account details and data associated with Apple ID will also be permanently deleted once it deleted. The account could not be access any data, content, or services associated with the Apple ID. Same Apple ID could not be created immediately after deleting.
Another frequently asked question is “What happens to my data when I Delete my iCloud account?”.
If you chose to keep your calendars, contacts, reminders and Safari data when you deleted the original i. Cloud account you will be given the option to merge that data with the new i. Cloud account, otherwise you’re basically starting from scratch in terms of that data.
Can I Sync my @Me account with iCloud?
And I have my i. Cloud account in setttings to sync using my @me address. So far everything works fine. But yes, it takes two different log-ins/accounts.
Can Apple ID be used again after deleting iCloud account/Apple ID?
Can Apple ID be Used Again after Deleting i. Cloud Account/Apple ID The i. Cloud account details and data associated with Apple ID will also be permanently deleted once it deleted. The account could not be access any data, content, or services associated with the Apple ID. Same Apple ID could not be created immediately after deleting.
How do I change the Apple ID used for iCloud?
You can easily change the Apple ID used for i. Cloud on any i. OS device simply by going into the i. Cloud section in the Settings app and tapping the Delete Account button at the bottom of that screen.
How to unmerge iclouds?
Finally, to un-merge the data you will then have to go to icloud. Com on your computer and sign into each i. Cloud account separately and manually delete the data you don’t want (such as deleting the other person’s contacts from your account, and vice versa). You’ll also have to manually delete photos you don’t want in your camera roll and/or photo stream album.
Moreover, how to free up iCloud storage on iPhone?
You can also delete the files you have stored in i. Cloud Drive to free up i, and cloud storage. You will see all the files stored in i, and cloud drive.
If you use your i. Cloud address for your email, emails will also be backed up to your free 5GB of storage. You can delete unnecessary emails with large attachments to quickly get rid of several gigabytes and clear i, and cloud storage. Swipe left over an email and tap the trash button. Go to the Trash folder. Tap Edit, and then click Delete All.
Moreover, how do I clear up space on my iCloud backup?
You can get rid of all i. Cloud backups and just use i. Tunes on your computer if you want to completely eliminate these from taking up space. For a less drastic option that still clears i. Cloud storage to choose to exclude apps from i, and cloud backups. VIsit the same i. Cloud backup settings.
How do I delete files from iCloud Drive?
You can delete files you no longer want to store in i, and cloud drive. Important: When you delete a file from i. Cloud Drive on i, and cloud. Com, it’s also deleted from all your devices that have i. Cloud Drive turned on. Com, selectthe files you want to delete, then click the Delete button in the i, and cloud drive toolbar.
Files in i. Cloud Drive can use a lot of space. All files stored in i. Cloud Drive will pop up. Swipe left and tap the trash icon to delete any unwanted files. There are tons of both free and paid storage options.
How long are deleted files recoverable from iCloud Drive?
Files you delete from i. Cloud Drive are recoverable for 30 days, but you can remove deleted files before the 30-day time period is up. See Recover deleted files on i, and cloud. Comand Permanently remove deleted files on i, and cloud., and com.