, i Phone Delete Messages by Itself FAQ 1 Unlock your i, and phone.
The only way to delete an i. Message from both sides is to have direct access to both i, and message accounts. In that case, you need to go through the process of deleting the message on a device connected to each account. When that is done, the i. Message is permanently removed on both sides.
No, each device has a local copy of the message that stays until it is deletes from that device. I think Apple should modify that….
How to delete an iMessage message and have it delete elsewhere?
My experience is you cannot actually delete an i. Message once and have it delete elsewhere. You can only delete the local cached copy of a message to suppress it being showed/stored on that one device. If you turn off i. Message and turn it back on, you will see the messages from i. Cloud come back whether you deleted a message or not.
Does iOS update delete text messages?
In addition, i. OS updates may also delete some types of data on the device including text messages. Sometimes, you may also delete your message by mistake but you don’t know it.
I am not convinced that simply deleting a message from the Messages app on an i. OS device actually fully removes that message from the device that you sent / deleted from. One time I got tired of having a long list of old messages conversations so I deleted all of them.
To delete a message, tap and hold the message bubble, then tap More. Tap Delete All to delete all the messages. Or tap to select the messages you want to delete, then tap. After you delete a message, you can recover it only by restoring from a backup.
But you have no right to go into someone else’s device and delete something from it. And this is not just Apple, you can’t delete an SMS message from my phone either, even if we both have Android phones. You have no right to go into someone else’s device and delete something from it.
Why are my iMessages not showing up?
There are several reasons may lead to i. Messages lost, like i. Message saving settings, insufficient memory and so on. You might need to rule out those possible causes and see if you can recover those lose messages.
While I was reading we ran into the inquiry “Why are my text messages disappearing from my iPhone?”.
One possible reason is that you set your i. Phone to keep the messages for only 30 days or 1 year. In addition, i. OS updates may also delete some types of data on the device including text messages.