Will imessage still work if phone is off?

If the recipient’s phone is off, i. Message will not say delivered to the sender until the phone is powered back on., i Message will only go through and says delivered if the recipient has other Apple devices with i, and message enabled. For any concerns or questions, please let us know in the comment section below.

While the phone is off that message will wait on Apple’s servers. However there is a setting under Messaging which says “Send as SMS”. If you have this setting enabled then when an i. Message is not delivered your phone will cancel the original i. Message, and instead send it as an SMS (green bubble).

You should be thinking “Do text messages still work if phone is off?”

You can i. Message them when they have Wi-Fi, but your messages will continue to send if they leave that coverage, just as SMS messages instead. Will text say delivered if phone is off?

For example: One day while chatting with a friend via i. Message your friend goes into a tunel and disconnects from the Internet, your i. Phone detects that your friend is off-line. If the option “send as SMS when i. Message is unavailable” is enabled, the messsage will be send as an SMS.

One source claimed the most obvious reason your message won’t deliver is because the recipient has no service. , i Message relies on an internet connection, so if no Wi-Fi is available, it won’t appear until their phone gets a connection.

What if I don’t use iMessage?

If you aren’t using i. Message, you can use SMS/MMS. These messages are texts and photos that you send to other cell phones or i, and os devices. SMS/MMS messages aren’t encrypted and appear in green text bubbles on your device.

Send as sms when imessage is unavailable?

, on i Phone, if i. Message is unavailable, the message may be sent as SMS or MMS, depending on content. Carrier messaging rates may apply. You can adjust this behavior in i. Phone at Settings > Messages > Send As SMS. Messages sent using i. Message appear in a light blue bubble, while messages sent using SMS or MMS appear in a green bubble.

Yet another inquiry we ran across in our research was “What does’send as SMS when iMessage is unavailable’mean?”.

The option to “send as sms when imessage is unavailable” refers to the sender side, meaning that if the sender is not connected to i. Message (i. e. offline), the message will be sent to the receiver as a SMS.

When imessage is sent as text message?

As mentioned previously, an i. Message sent as a text message is usually indicative of a network issue. If your i. Message doesn’t have a “Delivered” message underneath it, but previous ones in the conversation did, then this could be an indication that you have been blocked. Why does my i. Phone text say “sent as text message?

If the other person has other devices with i. Message enabled, one of those will receive the message before the i. Phone and the sender will see the status “delivered ”. If the i. Phone is the only device, the message will only show delivered when the phone has been switched on again and it has access to the Internet.

, i Messages normally appear in blue text bubbles (messages between Apple devices). If you’ve enabled “ Send as SMS” on your i. Phone, when i. Message is not available your messages will be sent as SMS. Keep in mind Carrier messaging rates may apply.

Another frequent inquiry is “What happens when your iMessage is sent as text message green?”.

Here is what our research found. Here is what happens when your blue i. Message is sent as text message green. Blocked settings could be the reason for it. You have to enable i, and message first. If you enable i. Message in the settings, the messages you send to other i. Phone users will use internet or cellular data to send messages.

When should I use SMS instead of iMessage?

If there’s a necessity to send an information to someone and you tried using the imessage but it fails or unavailable, you should use the sms to send the message unless you don’t texting plans to send the message.

Only when you have sms turned on or probably whej you open the settings app, you will see send as sms when imessage is unavailable when the imessage is not working or you have ran out of data or not available Wi-Fi in your environment.

You might be asking “How to send iMessages as SMS on iPhone?”

‘Send as SMS’ is an option in i. Phone that allows you to send your i. Messages as a text message automatically when the internet connection is not available. Hence check this option and disable it to check if i. Message is still sent normally. Start with opening ‘Settings’. Go to ‘Messages’ now and look for the ‘Send as SMS’ option.