, i Tunes backups are stored in different locations primarily based on the operating system. On Windows 10 you can find your i. Tunes backup files in the Mobile, and sync folder. Now, how to get to the mobile sync folder. Here’s the path You can also find the backups using the Windows Start Menu’s Search box. Here are the steps:.
You might be wondering “Where does itunes put backups?”
Head over to the current i. Tunes backup directory, make a copy of the “C:\Users\Your username\App, data\roaming\apple computer\mobile, and sync\backup\” directory. Create a new directory wherever you want the i. Tunes to store all your backups from now on. For example, create a directory in C:\ “folder name”. Go into the newly- created directory by using the “cd” command. Navigate to the current backup location – “C:\Users\Your username\App, data\roaming\apple computer\mobile Sync\Backup\” using the Windows File Explorer and delete the backup directory and all its content. In the Command Prompt type the command: mklink /J “%APPDATA%\Apple Computer\Mobile, and sync\backup” “c:\itunesbackup”. Ensure to use the quotes. You’ve successfully created the symbolic link, a virtual connection between the two directories, and changed the i. Tunes backup location Windows 7.
This of course begs the question “Where does iTunes save backups?”
The Finder and i. Tunes save backups to a Backup folder. The location of the Backup folder varies by operating system. Though you can copy the Backup folder, you should never move it to a different folder, external drive, or network drive.
Where does iTunes put iPhone backups in PC (Windows 7)?
Everyone has a folder called App, and data. You need to show hidden folders. I finally found a way to locate where are the backup files.
Where are iOS backups stored on my Mac or PC?
, locate i OS backups stored on your Mac or PC. To avoid ruining any of your backup files, here’s what you should know: i. Tunes saves backups to a Backup folder in your Users folder. The location of the Backup folder varies by operating system.
How to create a backup folder for iTunes?
Step 1: In the directory, you want to store i. Tunes backup, create a new folder and named it as something like “New Backups”. Step 2: Go to the default i. Tunes backup location and rename the default i. Tunes backup folder to something like “Backup. old”.
An answer is that we will be using the symlink method – symbolic link to change i. Tunes backup location on Windows 10. The symlink is a new path for i. Tunes to get to the backups folder. Here I’ll show you how to use the Windows Command Prompt application to create a symbolic link that effectively tricks i. Tunes into backing up on to the new location you want.
How to view the content of an iTunes backup?
Step 1: Click the magnifier icon in the menu bar to open the Spotlight search bar. The backup folder will be opened. To view the content of an i, and tunes backup., i Tunes or Finder doesn’t enable you to change the location to store i, and tunes backups.