Why safari keeps reloading?

First, try to only open a few websites that use Adobe Flash at the same time, because they take longer to load, and thus, can cause a Safari-wide reloading. If you need to access a website with Flash, limit the number of other tabs you have open.

Why does safari keep reloading ios?

So the reason you have to reload pages is that other tasks on your i. Phone (other apps or new browser tabs) are using memory, so Safari kicks the older tabs out of memory, and when you flip back to them, they need to be re-dowloaded. This is system behaviour, and it can’t be changed.

The reason for the reload is that this process is Apple’s attempt to stop Safari from freezing, but it doesn’t work as smoothly as many users would have hoped.

Why does Safari take so long to respond?

Another reason for delayed Safari responding is the extraneous cache information, which may bog down the Safari process. What you need to do is to clear Safari cache data on i. Phone and i, and pad., on i Phone, go to “Settings” > “Safari” > Scroll down your i. Phone to tap “Clear History and Website Data”.

Why is Safari not responding to my browser?

Another problem that Safari stops responding unexpectedly or responds slowly is also encountered by many of you. The reason for this Safari not working may be the searching engine bug from Safari. The solutions to the problem are cleaning Safari cache data and disabling search engine suggestions.

If a page doesn’t open or finish loading, try to reload it: Choose View > Reload Page or press Command-R. If that doesn’t work, press Command-Q to quit Safari, then reopen Safari and try again. If Safari doesn’t quit, press Option-Command-Esc to force Safari to quit.

Safari cannot open the page because the server stopped responding. I have the indication that wifi is working properly, I know that because when i tried to open like kompas – news app in indonesia – it is no problem.

Based on what you stated, it seems you are having issues with pages reloading or having errors in Safari and Facebook. If you haven’t already, restart your i. Pad as the shut down and start up process is important to keep the i. OS software running properly. Never underestimate the power of a good restart.

Why does Safari keep crashing on my iPad?

Or when certain apps like Safari use a significant portion of their device’s RAM (Random Access Memory.) And when Safari is running low on RAM, errors, and page reloads are more likely to happen. This problem is especially true for older model i, pads/i, phones/i Pod Touches, which have a lot less RAM as newer models.

Moreover, why is Safari not working on my iPad?

If you haven’t already, restart your i. Pad as the shut down and start up process is important to keep the i. OS software running properly. Never underestimate the power of a good restart. If you’re still having an issue, I would follow these steps to resolve this issue in Safari on your i, and pad.

What happens when Safari runs low on Ram?

And when Safari is running low on RAM, errors, and page reloads are more likely to happen. This problem is especially true for older model i, pads/i, phones/i Pod Touches, which have a lot less RAM as newer models.