How to add hubspot to gmail?

In your Hub. Spot account, click the settings icon settings in the main navigation bar. In the left sidebar menu, navigate to Integrations > Email integrations. Click Connect an inbox.

1 Read through what to expect when you connect your Gmail inbox to Hub. Spot, then click Continue. 2 You’ll be prompted to log in to your Gmail account. Enter the email address of the Google account you want to use. 3 Review the required permissions, then click Allow.

1 In your Hub. Spot account, click the settings icon settings in the main navigation bar. 2 In the left sidebar menu, navigate to Integrations > Email Integrations. 3 Click Connect personal email. 4 Select Other mail account.

How to send an email in HubSpot?

Adding a Subject Line, your name, and your email is mandatory for sending an email., hub Spot will generate your content’s plain text version automatically. Clicking on Plain Text would allow you to see your email in a stripped down form. You will be able to customize that version according to your requirements by clicking on the Edit button.

Send one-to-one emails in the Hub. Spot mobile app

Open the Hub. Spot app on your device . In the bottom navigation menu, tap Contacts. Tap the name of a contact to open their record. Below the contact’s photo, click the email email icon. In the email composition window, enter a subject line for your email and enter any additional contacts in the CC/BCC field. You can enter an email message from scratch, or you can use a sales email template from your account. To add a meeting link to the email, click Insert meeting link at the top then select a meeting link from the list. When you’re ready to send your email, click Send in the top right.

Another thing we wanted the answer to was; can you email to a list on hubspot?

You can send marketing emails to a contact list using Hub. Spot if all of the following statements are true: 1. Contacts personally provided their email address to your brand directly Importing purchased or third-party lists where contacts have not explicitly opted into hearing from you can lead to poor email deliverability.

Send a template 1 In your Hub. Spot account, navigate to contacts, companies, deals, or tickets. 2 Click the name of a record 3 In the left panel, click the Email icon email. 4 In the pop-up box, click Templates.

Can I send an email without an attachment in HubSpot?

Please note: email attachments larger than 50 MB will not log to Hub, and spot. Your email will still be delivered successfully to the contact and will log to the CRM, but without an attachment. To send a logged email using the Outlook desktop add-in from your Outlook desktop account on a PC:.

If you’re sending an email from a ticket record, it is possible to send an email to an unsubscribed contact that does not have a legal basis because emails sent from ticket records are considered transactional emails. In your Hub. Spot account, navigate to Contacts > Contacts.

How do I add the HubSpot sales Chrome extension?

In the dialog box, click Add to Chrome. If this is the first time you’ve added the extension, you’ll be prompted to log in. Log into your Hub. Spot Sales account when prompted. With the Hub. Spot Sales Chrome extension, you’ll have access to your templates, documents, and sequences from your Gmail inbox.

How do I create a contact list in HubSpot?

In your Hub. Spot account, navigate to Contacts > Lists. In the upper right, click Create list. In the left panel, select Contact-based to create a list of contacts, or Company-based to create a list of companies. In the right panel, enter a name for the list and select if you want an Active list or a Static list.

Static lists (not recommended unless it is for quick emails) you will have to add them manually. Lists play an extremely important role in any marketing campaign. It has been found that the Lists App of Hub. Spot is highly beneficial when used for this purpose . This post discusses ten useful things you can do with the lists in Hub, and spot.

What is the estimated recipients feature in HubSpot?

This feature is best used after you’ve already sent a few email campaigns from Hub. Spot, so there is data to identify your unengaged contacts. You can preview how many contacts will receive your email under Estimated recipients, based on the lists and individual contacts you selected.