Upper-right corner of every page. Allows respondents to exit the survey without saving the responses entered on the current page.
Click the Design Survey tab. Click Options in the left sidebar. Click Exit Link to toggle the setting. You can turn on or off Response Editing to allow or prevent respondents from editing their responses on previous pages.
You should be asking “How do I create an exit survey?”
Click the Design Survey tab. In the live survey preview on the right side of the page, click any Prev, Next, or Done button. Or click the Exit Survey link (located to the right of the survey title). Enter the preferred text.
One more question we ran across in our research was “What is the purpose of an employee exit survey?”.
Some think that Whether you work in HR or management, this employee exit survey will be an effective tool for you to help pinpoint why employees leave –so you can use the feedback to help you make adjustments in the workplace. Customize the form if you have specific areas you’d like addressed.
How do I show or hide the exit link?
To show or hide the Exit Link: 1 Click the Design Survey tab. 2 Click Options in the left sidebar. 3 Click Exit Link to toggle the setting.
Why isn’t the survey end page option available on my survey?
The Survey End Page option isn’t available if you embed your survey using the Website collector. Depending on the collector type you’re using to send your survey, you can choose one of the following options for people to see after completing your survey: Survey takers see a Survey, and monkey webpage.
It is a common misconception that Survey. Monkey does not know anything that takes place in their surveys or on their website. This misconception came about because of the initial look at the survey organization.
After all, sometimes respondents are only comfortable with providing honest feedback if they know that their responses can’t be traced back to them! The first thing to know is that surveys are set up by a survey creator and not by Survey, and monkey., survey Monkey provides the tools for creators to configure their surveys how they want.
Another thing we asked ourselves was, how do I Turn Off SurveyMonkey branding on the survey end page?
If you don’t want Survey. Monkey branding to show on the Survey End Page, you can change the domain to a White Label URL. The Survey End Page collector option lets you choose what survey takers see after they complete your survey.
Can surveymonkey be tracked?
In a nutshell – no, Survey. Monkey is not anonymous. The data you submit can be traced back to a specific device. Have you ever received an e-mail from Survey. Monkey about a survey? If so, I’m sure you’ve wondered if Survey Monkey is anonymous.
When you use a Web Link collector to send your survey, you can use these tracking options: Add the Contact Information question to your survey design and make it required so people must submit their name with their survey response.
Can I track who’s taken my survey?
Depending on how you send your survey, there are other, more definite ways to track who’s taken your survey. Most collectors store the IP addresses of respondents in survey results by default. You can choose to restrict or allow IP addresses from being recorded in survey results in your collector options.