Why linux failed on the desktop?

Linux has not been a mainstream desktop operating system, being mostly relegated to programmers and system administrators. One of the reasons that Linux has failed to appeal to mainstream computer users is that its user base is not made up of mainstream computer users, but of developers.

Desktop Linux never really gained traction, because it was a server OS in heart, thus had a gap in how the UI designed for Grandma where just click the pretty icon then go to the program and Developer, where you have a command line terminal where you vi your config file to get whatever you want done.

Why is Linux not popular on the desktop?

Linux world is fragmented. The main reason why Linux is not popular on the desktop is that it doesn’t have “the one” OS for the desktop as does Microsoft with its Windows and Apple with its mac, and os. If Linux had only one operating system, then the scenario would be totally different today.

You may be wondering “Why linux is bad?”

One way to think about this is the main reason why Linux is not popular on the desktop is that it doesn’t have “the one” OS for the desktop as does Microsoft with its Windows and Apple with its mac, and os. If Linux had only one operating system, then the scenario would be totally different today. Linux world has a plethora of OSs to choose from.

Why has Linux failed to appeal to mainstream computer users?

One of the reasons that Linux has failed to appeal to mainstream computer users is that its user base is not made up of mainstream computer users, but of developers. This dates back to the heritage of Unix, which was also developed “by programmers, for programmers.” It was developed by some very good programmers, Dennis Ritchie and Ken Thompson.

Will Linux ever become a mainstream OS for desktops?

It seems that Linux will never become a mainstream OS for desktops, but it is highly popular with developers and is the basis for the Android operating system. It’s become a running joke in the Linux world that it will be “the year of the Linux desktop,” whatever year it happens to be.

Why is Linux so bad for gaming?

Linux isn’t terrible. Most AAA gaming companies support for it is. The fact that the state is so bad as you say, isn’t because the coders using Linux are, as you imply, sloths. It’s entirely out of their hands. The only way it can ever improve is if people use it and buy the games they can play on Linux and play them on Linux.

The community behaves more like a cult and seems completely disconnected from the reality of making something productive. Linux is free and is actually not even worth what you pay for it.

How bad is the performance of Linux de?

Performance is pathetic, much much worse than Windows 10 or mac DE. This is also the main default desktop of linux world, which actually says a lot about linux. It’s absolutely unthinkable for us to even use a DE which suffers from extreme memory leak, and developers doesn’t even shows any intention of fixing it.