Ubuntu don’t sleep when lid closed?

However, there are several users who are facing issues with suspend behavior when the lid of the laptop is closed. Ubuntu simply keeps on running without bothering about going in suspend mode. There is a confirmed bug on this issue starting Ubuntu 16.04.

Ubuntu laptop lid close do nothing?

Navigate to Hardware and Sound > Power Options > Choose what closing the lid does. Do nothing when lid is closed Ubuntu? Go to System Settings and then click on Power.

How do I make Ubuntu do nothing when laptop lid is closed?

To make Ubuntu do nothing when laptop lid is closed: Open the /etc/systemd/logind. Conf file in a text editor as root, for example, sudo -H gedit /etc/systemd/logind. Conf If Handle, lid Switch is not set to ignore then change it:.

How do I Turn Off suspend when laptop lid is closed?

Open the Activities overview and start typing Tweaks. Click Tweaks to open the application. Select the General tab. Switch the Suspend when laptop lid is closed switch to off. Close the Tweaks window.

29 June, 2019 How to: Keep Ubuntu Server running on laptop with lid closed Last Updated on 17 July, 2019 1 Open /etc/systemd/logind. Conf 2 Change #Handle, lid Switch=suspend To Handle, lid Switch= ignore 3 Do sudo service systemd-logind restart Now you can close your laptop lid without put it into suspend mode., and com stay.

When we were researching we ran into the query “How to hibernate laptop when laptop lid is closed?”.

For those who want it to shut down automatically, hibernate, or do nothing when the laptop lid is closed, here’s how to do it by hacking the configuration file : Open a terminal by pressing Ctrl + Alt + T or searching for “Terminal” from start menu.

This begs the question “How to change the action to take when laptop lid is closed?”

Dconf editor offers options to change the action to take when the laptop lid is closed on AC or power, but it doesn’t work! So far as I know, you can edit the logind. Conf file to change the action. And it should work on all Ubuntu desktop, server, and flavors. 1.) Open terminal (press Ctrl+Alt+T on Gnome) from your system application menu.

Is there a bug with Ubuntu going to suspend after closing?

There is a confirmed bug on this issue starting Ubuntu 16.04. Unfortunately, this bug has not been fixed even after more than a year. While I cannot fix the bug, I can surely suggest you a couple of ways so that Ubuntu goes to suspend mode after the lid is closed.

You must make sure that you have the correct settings in place. Go to System Settings and then click on Power. In the power setting, make sure that option for ‘When the lid is closed’ is set to Suspend. If you had a different setting here, you should check if you are able to suspend Ubuntu by closing .

Ubuntu desktop is configured to automatically suspend when the laptop lid is closed in order to save power … however, you can easily turn this off so that the laptop does nothing when the lid is closed.

Should I leave my laptop running with the lid closed?

If you do not want the computer to suspend when you close the lid, you can change the setting for that behavior. Be very careful if you change this setting. Some laptops can overheat if they are left running with the lid closed, especially if they are in a confined place like a backpack.

How to lock the lid of a file in Ubuntu?

For Ubuntu server without UI, use nano text editor instead. 2.) When the file opens, find out the line #Handle, lid Switch=suspend and change it to one of following : Handle, lid Switch=lock – lock when lid closed.