The simplest way to install Jenkins on Windows is to use the Jenkins Windows installer. That program will install Jenkins as a service using a 64 bit JVM chosen by the user. Keep in mind that to run Jenkins as a service, the account that runs Jenkins must have permission to login as a service.
This begs the question “Does jenkins run on windows?”
Jenkins runs as a server on a variety of platforms including Windows, Mac. OS, Unix variants and especially, Linux. It requires a Java 8 VM and above and can be run on the Oracle JRE or Open, and jdk. Usually, Jenkins runs as a Java servlet within a Jetty application server.
Jenkins runs on Windows, Linux, Free, bsd, open BSD, and others. Linux is the most frequently used Jenkins server platform, with Windows second. Many of the Jenkins lead developers use Linux or Mac. OS for their development.
Should Jenkins be running as a service?
If you are running a production installation of Jenkins on a Windows box, it is essential to have it running as a Windows service. This way, Jenkins will automatically start whenever the server reboots, and can be managed using the standard Windows administration tools.
This of course begs the query “How to install Jenkins worker/slave as a service?”
One frequent answer is, the quickest and most reliable way that I’ve found to install a Jenkins Worker/Slave as a service is use the “/slave-agent. jnlp” endpoint to download the jnlp file, run it, then “File” => “Install as a service” option from its GUI.
For W2K8 R2 users you may need to add C:\Windows\Sys. WOW64 to the PATH env var. At this point you can use the service manager to confirm that Jenkins is running as a service. Jenkins also allows you to install a slave agent as a Windows service.
, hkey_local_machine\system\current, control Set\Services\Jenkins Slave\Parameters\Application=”C:\WINDOWS\system32\java. exe” If you are having trouble getting the Java Web Start agent installed as a Windows service an alternative method of starting the service automatically when Windows starts is to use the Windows Scheduler.
Is it easy to install Jenkins without Tomcat?
However, it is also fairly easy to install Jenkins as a service, without having to install Tomcat. Jenkins has a very convenient feature designed to make it easy to install Jenkins as a Windows servers.
What is the best platform to learn Jenkins for beginners?
Most developers use Jenkins server on a Linux system as it is more compatible, easy to install and work with. Windows is also a great platform for Jenkins. It is the best platform for a beginner to learn Jenkins. It is completely your choice to select which ever operating system you want to work with.