Why can’t I indent row in smartsheet?

They’re grayed out probably because you have a cell selected in a row that can’t be indented or outdented (e. g. the first row of the sheet). Try clicking on a cell in a row that should be indentable and you should see it become selectable. Hope that helps.

The next thing we wondered was; how do I indent a row in Excel?

Indent a Row. Click on a cell in the first row you’d like to indent, and then click the Indent button on the toolbar. The row above it will become the parent row. NOTE: If the Indent button is unavailable, you may be trying to indent a blank row. In order to create hierarchy, data needs to exist in both the parent, and child rows.

To expand or collapse all sub-items on a sheet, right-click on the Primary Column header and select Expand All or Collapse All. There is no fixed level of indenting. You can continue indenting rows on your sheet to create multiple levels of hierarchy.

What are smart rows in Smartsheet?

Smartsheet has smart rows that allow you to build hierarchy, and easily organize, track, and move data. Rows also allow you to manage attachments and communication with your team, proof files, create custom documents, and set up reminders. To learn more about the power of rows, review the information in this learning topic.

NOTE: In order to see the carriage returns in the sheet, apply wrap formatting to the cell by clicking the Wrap Text button on the toolbar at the top of the Smartsheet window. NOTE: To insert multiple rows at once, press Shift and select multiple row headers, then click Insert.

While researching we ran into the query “How do I format numbers on a Smartsheet?”.

Formatting Options To apply formatting to numbers and text in your sheet, use the buttons on the toolbar at the top of the Smartsheet window. For certain views or screen sizes, not all buttons will be visible on the toolbar. If you don’t see a button that you need, click More.

While I was reading we ran into the inquiry “What can I copy and paste in Smartsheet?”.

You can copy rows, cells, formulas, hyperlinks, and hierarchy. NOTE: Copying a row does not copy its associated attachments or comments. TIP: If you’ve copied a multi-line cell in Excel or other program, double-click on the cell in Smartsheet before pasting it in to prevent the lines from spilling over into the cells below.

Yet another question we ran across in our research was “Can I use Smartsheet with text values?”.

Smartsheet treats numbers combined with other characters (letters, punctuation) as text. You can’t use the Numbers tools with text values. The symbols used for decimal and thousands separators for currency and number format are controlled by the Regional Preferences specified for your account.

Why is the indent button unavailable?

NOTE: If the Indent button is unavailable, you may be trying to indent a blank row. In order to create hierarchy, data needs to exist in both the parent, and child rows.

You might be asking “Is there a level of indenting on a sheet?”

There is no fixed level of indenting. You can continue indenting rows on your sheet to create multiple levels of hierarchy. When you click and drag a row that has items indented below it, the child rows will move with the selected item.

How do I wrap text in a cell in Excel?

After selecting an area of the sheet, you can change font type and size, background color, as well as alignment and text wrapping in cells. Select the cell in which you want to wrap text and click Wrap Text. To return your selection back to the default font and cell background.