How to check why the excel file size is large?

If you press Ctrl + End on any sheet in your Excel file, you can see what the “last used cell” is. If that shortcut takes you many rows (or columns) past the end of your data, it means that all of those cells are increasing the file size for no reason.

Check why excel file is so large?

Another reason for large file size is having many unused or hidden worksheets in your Workbook. Each Excel Worksheet has it’s own share of metadata, more importantly, however, you may be keeping sheets with similar datasets, copies or unnecessary Pivot Tables that also take up a lot of space.

The fastest method of checking which worksheet causes the workbook to be very big is with Professor Excel Tools. Check the file size of each worksheet with Professor Excel Tools. The overview lists all worksheets with their respective file sizes. Open the “Reduce File” feature on the Professor Excel ribbon.

Remove Hidden / Unused Worksheets Another reason for large file size is having many unused or hidden worksheets in your Workbook. Each Excel Worksheet has it’s own share of metadata, more importantly, however, you may be keeping sheets with similar datasets, copies or unnecessary Pivot Tables that also take up a lot of space.

Why does inserting an image to an Excel workbook increase file size?

Inserting an image to an Excel workbook increases the file size by the stored size of the image. This is true, even if you crop and resize the image in Excel. That’s because Excel stores the original image. Test results: The file size of a 9 KB Excel workbook with one empty sheet increased to 170 KB when I Inserted a 159 KB image.

You see, The first reason is loading time. If your excel file is large (2 mb or larger) you will notice longer loading time, reduced performance, unresponsiveness, etc. All this can be avoided if you keep your file size reasonable.

How to reduce the size of an Excel file?

These are the few effective methods to reduce the file size. It happens many times that we import data in excel file for temporary use but forget to remove it. This increases the size of the Excel file. To reduce the size of excel file identify the data that you don’t really need. Delete those ranges and save the file.

Our best answer is remove “blank space” in your sheets This is definitely the most common source of large Excel file sizes, and fortunately one of the easiest to fix. Excel has a “used range” for every sheet in your workbook. The larger this is, the bigger the file size becomes.

In effect the XSLX file format will always be larger than the XLSB. To save a file in binary format go to FILEclick on Save Asand select Excel Binary Workbook (*.xlsb) as shown below. Remove Used Cell Range A troublesome thing that can increase your Excel file size is Used Range. Imagine the worksheet below.

How to check the size of each worksheet in Excel?

Check the size of each worksheet with Kutools for Excel. If you have Kutools for Excel, with its Split Workbook utility, you can split the whole workbook into separate files, and then go to the specific folder to check the size of each file.

Is bigger always better when it comes to excel?

Bigger is not always better. This is certainly true for Excel files. Large workbooks take more time to open and calculate, occupy more storage space, consume more real-time resources, and are more prone to crashing and corruption.