Like other eating disorders, binge eating disorder is a serious problem that can be solved with proper treatment. With treatment and commitment, many people with this disorder can overcome the habit of overeating and learn healthy eating patterns.
The goals for treatment of binge-eating disorder are to reduce eating binges and achieve healthy eating habits. Because binge eating can be so entwined with shame, poor self-image and other negative emotions, treatment may also address these and any other mental health issues, such as depression.
Stick to your new eating habits so you do not relapse into binge eating You should not try to diet while you’re having treatment because this can make it more difficult to stop binge eating. Antidepressants should not be offered as the only treatment for binge eating disorder .
But if you have a binge eating disorder, your eating habits could lead to serious problems that might last a lifetime. Weight gain is common when you binge eat. Two-thirds of those with the disorder are overweight.
A lot of people who binge eat do so to boost their mood. This can lead to guilty feelings that just make you binge more. Eating too much when you’re not hungry might be a sign that you’re trying to numb your emotions. You might also feel:.
Can binge eating cause diabetes?
Type 1’s who binge eat have chronically higher blood sugars, higher weight, are more likely to experience diabetes complications like retinopathy, and may be at risk for developing “brittle” diabetes – wide swings of blood sugars from high to low associated with mood instability, irritability and fatigue.
You may be wondering “Can type 2 diabetes cause binge eating disorder?”
According to the Walden Eating Disorders Treatment Program, “Studies estimate that 12% of patients with Type 2 Diabetes also suffer from BED (Binge Eating Disorder).” Given that 9.3% of the population has diabetes, this is a dual diagnosis that affects millions of people in the U.
You might also need medicine to lower your blood pressure, cholesterol, and blood sugar. People who binge eat are more likely to get type 2 diabetes, studies show. Diabetes can be a lifelong disease that requires ongoing treatment. If you have this condition, binge eating can make your blood sugar harder to control.
Do you know how to treat an eating disorder?
Often, they’re so successful that close family members and friends don’t know they binge eat. Eating disorders require a big-picture treatment plan that’s tailored to meet your individual needs. The goal is to help you gain control over your eating behavior. Most often, it involves a combination of strategies.
CBT involves talking to a therapist, who will help you explore patterns of thoughts, feelings and behaviours that could be contributing to your eating disorder. Plan out the meals and snacks you should have during the day, to help you adopt regular eating habits stick to your new eating habits so you do not relapse into binge eating.