Can google drive owner see who downloaded?

I have found the answer myself, which is Yes, downloading a document from Google Drive can reveal the document’s owner. If you open the document within the Google Drive environment, and then click on the three buttons, then click on Details, it reveals who the owner is.

For files shared outside your domain, Google Drive unlimited doesn’t give you information about who watched or downloaded a file. Your only info in the auditing will be that “someone” viewed this file info, I think.

When I was reading we ran into the question “Would the owner of a Google Drive shared with me be notified?”.

No, they will not be notified. They will be able to see the file was copied by selecting the file in Drive and looking at the Activity pane, but the owner will not be compelled to check for that by some notification.

Does google drive keep track of downloads?

Google Drive can’t track downloads natively, although you can try other tools from Google. Still, using a service like Google Analytics requires access to the backend of your site, as well as a host of other specialty skills.

Can I monitor downloads on Google Drive and Google Docs?

Then YES, Google Apps Unlimited and Google APps for Education customers can monitor downloads on Google Drive and Google Docs. If Not, then no, unfortunately. However, you could always sign up for one of these services. Let’s talk about how to monitor your downloads once you have.

Is it possible to track number of downloads in Google Drive?

Tableau your Excel data. Level up your analytics toolkit. Pair Excel with Tableau and transform data into actionable insights. Yes, it is poosible. Just Copy the URL of the certain file that you want to track .

Moreover, can Google Analytics track download files?

But… You can set Google Analytics up to track downloads automatically. Depending on your website’s setup and your resources, there are a number of options for tracking file downloads. Let’s look at how this tracking works in Google Analytics.

Can I see who viewed or downloaded my document?

If someone did want to know when you’ve viewed or downloaded their document I’d consider moving your document to Google Drive and using a document tracking plugin like Orangedox | Track your Documents. This will let you track every preview of your document including each unique user who’ve viewed or downloaded it.

Can someone see if I’ve downloaded a file they shared?

If they’ve shared it using a document tracking plugin like Orangedox | Track your Documents then YES they will be able to see if you’ve downloaded it ( ie copied that file) and if you’ve shared it with someone else. Plus if that file is a PDF then they will also be able to tell if you’ve previewed the file and what pages you’ve viewed.

Do people know when you’ve viewed or downloaded their documents?

So unless the person who shared the doc with you has it open at the same time they won’t know that you’ve viewed or downloaded it. If someone did want to know when you’ve viewed or downloaded their document I’d consider moving your document to Google Drive and using a document tracking plugin like Orangedox | Track your Documents.

Can Google Drive be hacked?

It’s impossible to ignore the worries associated with Google Drive hacks. However, you can take one serious precaution to stop hacking attempts : encrypt your files. Even when you delete a file, it’s still in the cloud especially if you’ve shared the file with other people.