How to upload videos on google hangouts?

Select how you want to upload your photo or video. Type a message and click Send. You can also drag a photo from your computer to the conversation window. On your computer, open the Google Album Archive with your Hangouts account.

Send a photo or video. 1 On your computer, go to hangouts., and google. Com or open Hangouts in Gmail. 2 Open a conversation. 3 At the bottom, click photo. 4 Select how you want to upload your photo or video. 5 Type a message and click send. You can also drag a photo from your computer to the conversation window.

How do I send a photo or video on Hangouts?

Send a photo or video. On your computer, go to hangouts., and google. Com or open Hangouts in Gmail. Open a conversation. At the bottom, click Photo. Select how you want to upload your photo or video. Type in a message and then click Send. You can also drag a photo from your computer to the conversation window.

Then, how do I download photos from Google Hangouts?

You can also download your photos or videos using Google Takeaway. On your computer, go to hangouts., and google. Com or open Hangouts in Gmail. Open a conversation. At the bottom, click Photo. Select how you want to upload your photo or video. Type in a message and then click Send .

Yet another inquiry we ran across in our research was “How do I send photos from Google Hangouts to a friend?”.

Type a message and click Send. You can also drag a photo from your computer to the conversation window. On your computer, open the Google Album Archive with your Hangouts account.

This of course begs the question “How do I upload a photo or video to a conversation?”

Open a conversation. At the bottom, click Photo. Select how you want to upload your photo or video. Type a message and click Send.

How to delete photos from Google Hangouts?

You can also drag a photo from your computer to the conversation window. On your computer, open the Google Album Archive with your Hangouts account. Select the album with the photos you want to delete. Click the photo that you want to delete. At the top, click More Delete photo.

Another frequently asked inquiry is “How to delete photos from Hangouts?”.

Let us dig in. select the album with the photos that you want to delete. Click the photo that you would like to delete. At the top, click more Delete photo. To delete the album, open the album and click more Delete album. Even if you delete a photo, the person that you shared it with may have saved a copy.

What is Google Hangouts and how does it work?

Use Google Hangouts to keep in touch with one person or a group. Available on mobile or on desktop, start making video or voice calls today.