When is google hangouts closing?

Google Hangouts, one of the company’s many communication apps/services, is shutting down in 2021, but current users will not be left without a replacement. Google Chat, which was originally called Hangouts Chat is being offered as a free upgrade.

Google is going to slowly close out Hangouts, and will move most of its features to its Google Chat service in the next year. Google is finally giving us some details about its plans to close out classic Hangouts. Many of the features of the messaging service will switch over to Google Chat.

Google hangouts shutdown date?

Today, Google announced the shutdown begins October 2019, when the company says it will “start retiring” Hangouts Classic for GSuite customers. When, precisely, the shutdown happens for consumers is still up in the air.

Is Google going to shut down Hangouts?

Google will shut down Hangouts in the first half of 2021 Hangouts users will be transitioned to Chat By Cohen Coberly October 16, 2020, 11:48 In context: If there’s one thing Google is known for, it’s launching — and then later shutting down — dozens upon dozens of services, no matter how old they might’ve been.

When will Google Chat replace Hangouts?

Google is finally giving us some details about its plans to close out classic Hangouts. Many of the features of the messaging service will switch over to Google Chat. The transitions will be completed sometime in 2021. Over a year ago, Google announced it would retire its classic Hangouts messaging service.

You might be wondering “Is Hangouts being discontinued 2021?”

Some authors claimed gmail users are scheduled to be transitioned from Hangouts to Meet and Chat during 2021 and the Hangouts service is to be discontinued. Prior to the launch of Hangouts, Google had maintained several similar, but technologically separate messaging services and platforms across its suite of products.

Another frequent inquiry is “What will happen to hangouts in 2021?”.

The search giant said in the first half of 2021, Hangouts users will be migrated to a free version of Google Chat — the Slack and Discord competitor currently available to enterprise users. Google will automatically migrate Hangouts conversations during the transition, along with contacts and saved history.

What happened to hangouts classic?

Google’s eventual shutdown of “Hangouts Classic” has been essentially confirmed since 2018, with the company pushing Google Chat — previously known as “Hangouts Chat” — as the de facto alternative.

What does Hangouts mean?

Hangouts . google .com. Google Hangouts is a cross-platform messaging app developed by Google. Originally a feature of Google+, Hangouts became a stand-alone product in 2013, when Google also began integrating features from Google+ Messenger and Google Talk into Hangouts. In 2017, Google began developing Hangouts into a product aimed.