If your network proxy or firewall blocks access to any of the required network endpoints, Adobe Fonts will not work. Your computer needs to be able to reach these endpoints and download files from them.
This begs the question “How do I fix a font that is not working?”
Move the fonts from the fonttest folder to the goodfonts folder. If the problem does not recur, the damaged font is in the fonttest folder. Move the fonts from the official fonts folder into the goodfont folder. Move half the fonts back into the official font folder for the next round of testing.
However, there are a few cases where you may not see the font right away. Some programs, including Adobe Acrobat and Microsoft Office, do not automatically update the font menu when a new font is added. These applications need to be restarted before the new fonts are available for use.
Adobe fonts not showing up in premiere?
While in Premiere Pro, click the three dots to the left of the Browse More Fonts menu. You’ll find options to either deactivate all fonts or deactivate all fonts not in use. Choose one, and the font will be entirely gone from your collection.
So, how to add fonts to Premiere Pro workstream?
If you happen to have an older version of Premiere Pro or an older operating system, it’s still relatively easy to add your fonts to your workstream. On Mac OS, open the Font Book app, click the Add button (denoted by a + symbol), find the font you want and choose Open to install them.
Removing a font takes only a couple of clicks. While in Premiere Pro, click the three dots to the left of the Browse More Fonts menu. You’ll find options to either deactivate all fonts or deactivate all fonts not in use.
How to fix Adobe fonts not working in Creative Cloud?
Toggle the Adobe Fonts setting If the fonts are not active, try turning off the font option in Creative Cloud, wait a moment, and then turn it back on. Open the menu from the gear icon at the top of Creative Cloud desktop. Choose Services, and then toggle Adobe Fonts to turn it off and back on. Sign out of Creative Cloud and restart the computer.
This begs the query “Why are the fonts in my Creative Cloud project not working?”
If the Fonts menu is a blank white window or shows a loading spinner, refer to Creative Cloud desktop app doesn’t open | Progress wheel spins continually for further troubleshooting. Toggle the Adobe Fonts setting If the fonts are not active, try turning off the font option in Creative Cloud, wait a moment, and then turn it back on.