As you can sync i. Tunes songs all across your devices, so many people would like to purchase music from i. Tunes Store, but some users complain that it doesn’t work sometimes. The “purchased i. Tunes songs missing” issue could happen because of an i. OS 11/10 bug, network issue, i. Tunes Store server error or more.
How do I fix missing album artwork on my iTunes library?
If the artwork for some of your albums or songs is missing Find the album with the missing artwork, then right-click or Control-click it. , i Tunes adds the album artwork. From the menu bar at the top of your computer screen or at the top of the i. Tunes window, choose File > Library > Update i. Cloud Music Library.
Why does itunes split albums?
After a few hours of searching, I’ve found that many of the i. Tunes and Apple Music splitting album issues are due to the following reasons:
1. There are different versions of the same album. Metadata conflict is the most likely reason for the splitting album issue. It’s a bilingual issue.
Why does iTunes show multiple albums when I RIP a CD?
Sometime when you rip a CD, or otherwise add an album to i. Tunes, its tracks aren’t correctly grouped together as a single album. It may show as two, three, or more separate albums. If you look at the tags, they are all the same, but somehow, i. Tunes doesn’t think they belong together.
Metadata conflict is the most likely reason for the splitting album issue. Reason 1: There are more than one artist in the same album. Reason 2: Album Artist fields are mismatched in the “Sorting” tab. Reason 3: The Album Artist field is not matched with the Artist’s field.
Why can’t I split an album in iTunes on Windows?
This feature is not supported on i. Tunes for Windows. Metadata conflict is the most likely reason for the splitting album issue. Reason 1: There are more than one artist in the same album. Reason 2: Album Artist fields are mismatched in the “Sorting” tab. Reason 3: The Album Artist field is not matched with the Artist’s field.
How to create separate albums in iTunes?
Find the separated albums in i, and tunes. Select the album > Right click the mouse > Select ” Album Info “. In ” Details ” > ” Album Artist ” tab, use the same Album Artist for the separate albums.
How to get back missing content from iTunes library?
Apple gives this solution to get back missing content from i, and tunes library. You should update your i. Tunes to be the latest and then follow the below steps to fix this i. Tunes library disappearing problem., quit i Tunes and go to “i. Tunes” folder.
Why are songs missing from my music library after sync library?
If you subscribe to Apple Music or i. Tunes Match, you can access your music library on all of your devices. If songs are missing from your music library after you turn on Sync Library, learn what to do. Make sure that your devices have the latest version of i, os, i, pad, os, mac OS, or i. Tunes for Windows.
Why can’t I find or play a song on Apple Music?
If you can’t find or play a song, check if you added it from Apple Music. If it came from another source, the song might be waiting to upload. Try these steps: Turn on your Mac or PC and connect it to the Internet. Open the Music app or i. Tunes for Windows. Keep the Music app or i. Tunes for Windows open so your library can finish uploading.