Where do android apps store data?

Android typically stores installed apps ( .APK files) in the following directory: Apps in these directories use a naming convention according to the unique package name, which is specified by the app developer.

Where is the data stored in the app?

It is stored either in a dedicated directory inside the internal storage or in external storage. The sensitive data, that is specific to the app and shall not be accessible to other apps is generally stored in Internal Storage.

Where does Android Store apps on my Device?

A: Android typically stores installed apps ( .APK files) in the following directory: /data/app/. Apps in these directories use a naming convention according to the unique package name, which is specified by the app developer. For example, if an app’s package name is com., and example .

You should be thinking “Where does the data go in an app?”

By default, the apps databases, settings, and all other data go here. This directory is “private” to the app – which means no other app and not even the user can access data in it (without root permissions).

Though, as Tom pointed out, root-apps could store their data almost everywhere on your device, they usually follow the same rules as other apps. You can find a general explanation of the Android directory hierarchy in my answer here.

Is there a way to store data on Android?

Luckily for developers, Android is full of ways to store data, and we’re here to run you through how they work. See also: Making an app with no programming experience: What are your options?

Application Private Data files are stored within /data/data/ . Files being stored in the internal storage can be accessed with open, file Output() and open, file Input() When those files are created as MODE_PRIVATE it is not possible to see/access them within another application such as a File, and manager.

What is the/data/app/directory on an Android device?

Below is a sample screenshot of the /data/app/ directory on a device with root access: If you’re wondering what the “.odex” files are, they are files that Android creates to optimize the boot loading process for your apps. You can read more about this file type on the .. ODEX file extension page.

You should be asking “What is/data/app/directory in Android Studio?”

Android uses the /data/app/ directory for managing app data, and any tampering with files in this location could cause problems. Below is a sample screenshot of the /data/app/ directory on a device with root access:.