How can android group text with iphone?

When it comes to group text messaging, i. Phones and Android devices don’t mix too well. Here’s how to send group messages over i. Phone and Android without any problems. Group text messages are really convenient because they allow you to send text messages to multiple people at once, and they can respond to it, which also gets sent to the group.

Also, how do I enable group text on my Android phone?

Here is what our research found. go to the main screen of your messaging app and tap the menu icon; then tap Settings. Under Group text, enable MMS. If you have a feature phone, this shouldn’t be an issue since feature phones will split group messages into individual messages by default.

[Solution] Group Text not Working on Android

Create a backup of your personal data and remove your Google account. Open Settings app. Scroll to and tap General management. Select Factory data reset from the given options. Read the information then tap Reset to continue. Tap Delete All to confirm action.

You can create a group message with Android users. Instead of it being i. Message (blue bubble), it will be SMS/MMS (green bubble). Send a group text message on your i, phone, i Pad, or i. Pod touch However, all of the users, including the Android, user needs to be included when you create the group.

How to fix group text messages not receiving on iPhone?

You can follow the steps given below to do this and resolve the issue of group messages received individually Android. Step 1: Take the SIM card from Android phone and insert it in your i, and phone. Step 2: From the main menu of i. Phone, go to “Settings” and tap on “Messages”. Step 3: Toggle the switch in front of “i. Message” to disable it.

Step 1 : Launch the Messages app and open up your group conversation. Now use the three-dot menu icon in the top right to choose Group details. Step 2: To rename your group, tap on the pencil icon next to your group name. You can also add more contacts to your group by tapping on the Add people button.

Why can’t I send group text messages?

Troubleshooting Group Messaging If you’re having trouble sending group text (SMS) messages, you may need to update your account and messaging app settings. When you send a text message to multiple recipients, most smartphones will send it as one message rather than several individual messages.

When you send group messages as MMS, it keeps the replies in one thread on your phone. It also doesn’t count towards your text messaging usage, so you won’t see those messages reflected in the text messaging detail on your monthly bill.

Why do my texts always fail to send on Android?

There are numerous reasons why SMS texts in Android can fail to send ( or be received, but this article will focus on the failure to send). If you cannot receive SMS texts, you can check out Phone Not Receiving Texts. However, if you can receive texts just fine, but your texts always fail to send, the issue most likely lies with your SMSC number.