The location of the folder is located in the text box near the top that says “Android SDK Location”. By default the Android SDK location is stored at “/Users/ [USER]/Library/Android/sdk” or at “/Library/Android/sdk/”. How set sdk location Mac?
For example, if your Android SDK location is at C:\Users\username\App. Data\Local\Android\Sdk, clear the old path in the Android SDK Locationbox, paste in this path, and click OK. In the Androidpage, click the Locationstab to view and set the SDK location:.
If there is an SDK file present, it should be most likely found at /home/USERNAME/Android/sdk If there is none, check the specified sdk path for the project in android studio.
We can dig a little deeper. this is the sdk path Android Studio installed for me: “C: Users
Where can I find the Android SDK for Xamarin?
If you only installed Xamarin with Visual Studio setup, the android SDK location is : C: Program Files (x86)Android[&android&]-sdk You can find it in Android SDK Manager as said Raj Asapu In visual Studio :.
One source stated Android SDK does not include your Target SDK of (version). Please use the Android SDK Manager to install your target SDK version. Restart Unity after SDK installation for the changes to take effect. In this case, to update the Android SDK Target API, you must use the Android sdkmanager from either Android Studio or the command line tool.
My answer was as can be seen in your first screenshot, the SDK contains only API level 29 (platforms\android-29). If you want to target API Level 28, it has to be installed as well.
Android sdk location should not contain?
As the warning message states, the SDK location should not contain whitespace. There is a whitespace character in Giacomo B. The easiest solution is to move the SDK somewhere else, where there is no space or other whitespace character in the path, such as C: Androidsdk.
How do I move my Android SDK to another location?
Your SDK is at C:\Users\Giacomo B\App, and data\local\android\sdk. There is a whitespace character in Giacomo B. The easiest solution is to move the SDK somewhere else, where there is no space or other whitespace character in the path, such as C:\Android\sdk. You can point both Android Studio installations to the new location.
Android SDK location should not contain whitespace, as this can cause problem with the native tools. How do i change the SDK location to the above location without having the issue of whitespaces.
Is there a bug with the SDK?
Now what you see is not a bug. There were issues related to SDK components discussed in other threads, however this is not one of them. When you set the Target API Level in Unity’s editor, the exact API must be installed. As can be seen in your first screenshot, the SDK contains only API level 29 (platforms\android-29).
Can I run Android apps without NDK?
, simply If you are not using NDK, there is no problem at all. On the other this is just warning not an error. With warning you can go ahead but not errors. Any it’s better to adjust the whitespaces. G if your SDK is at C:\program file\Android studio.