By default, the music, TV shows, movies, podcasts, and other files that appear in your i. Tunes library are stored within your user folder in a subfolder : In the i. Tunes app on your PC, choose an option (Music or Movies, for example) from the pop-up menu at the top left, then click Library.
Locate your Music files. In the Music app on your Mac, click Songs in the sidebar on the left. Do one of the following: Find out where a file is stored: Select the item, then choose Song > Info. The path to the file is shown at the bottom of the File pane (next to location).
You could be wondering “Where is my music stored on my Mac?”
By default, your music is stored here: You can change where your music files are stored. Important: For best results, don’t change the location of the Music folder or the folders inside it. In the Music app on your Mac, choose Music > Preferences, then click Files.
You could be asking “Where iTunes files are stored on PC?”
Change where i. Tunes files are stored on PC. By default, the music, TV shows, movies, podcasts, and other files that appear in your i. Tunes library are stored within your user folder in a subfolder: Music\i, tunes\i, and tunes media.
Where is my apple music on my computer?
Locate your Music folder in the Finder on your Mac, then drag it to the Music window. You should see the songs in your library again. If the music library file is included, you will also see playlists, song ratings, and other information you created. If that doesn’t work, your songs may be elsewhere on your computer.
Another thing we wondered was; how do I get Apple Music on my computer?
Note: Apple Music isn’t available in all countries or regions. You can turn on i. Cloud Music Library on other computers you authorized to access your i, and tunes purchases. In the i. Tunes app on your PC, sign in to the i. Tunes Store using the same Apple ID that you used to set up i. Cloud Music Library on the first computer.
1 In the i. Tunes app on your PC, if you haven’t done so already, sign in to the i. Tunes Store from the device using the same Apple ID you used to set up i. Cloud Music Library on your computer. 2 On your device’s Home screen, tap Settings, then tap Music. 3 Tap to turn on i. Cloud Music Library.
How do I change where my music files are stored?
You can change where your music files are stored . Important: For best results, don’t change the location of the Music folder or the folders inside it. In the Music app on your Mac, choose Music > Preferences, then click Files.
Where can I Find my Music on iTunes?
Music in itunes on your computer will usually be located in your music folder in a folder called itunes media, within an itunes folder. I can’t find the i. Tunes folder under device.
So, how do I find the location of a song in iTunes?
Tip: You can temporarily reverse this setting by holding down the Option key while you drag files to the Music window. In the Music app on your Mac, click Songs in the sidebar on the left. Find out where a file is stored: Select the item, then choose Song > Info. The path to the file is shown at the bottom of the File pane (next to location).