Apple pages vs microsoft word vs google docs?

Microsoft Word was developed in 1983 whereas Apple Pages was released in 2005 and Google Docs was released in 2006. Due to the 20+ year head start Word has more features than Pages or Docs. For example, Pages and Docs does not have picture styles and effects nor does it have easy to mail merge capabilities.

Google Docs is free, but requires a Google account. Apple Pages is free, but requires the user to have an Apple device. The accounts of the users is what makes many of the newer features work. The connection of these accounts is how users share and edit.

And as a result, Microsoft Word is available everywhere. You can access the software on i. OS, Android, Mac, Windows, i. Pad, and even Web. As its case with every Apple software, Apple Pages is limited to i. OS, Mac, and i, and pad. The comparison below focuses on the Mac version. Both Microsoft and Apple offer plenty of default templates.

Apple Pages is like having Microsoft Word for Mac but without the cost. If all you need is an Apple word processor, Mac Pages can handle everything you will probably ever need to do. Like Word in Office for Mac, you can start with a blank document or use the template chooser.

The next thing we asked ourselves was; should you use Google Docs or pages on your Mac?

Even if you are neck deep in the Apple ecosystem, regularly use Pages on a Mac, or have a peer group comprised entirely of Pages users, there’s no reason why you shouldn’t prefer Google Docs as your daily driver. The former is significantly better at overall convenience and offers a superior experience at nearly every task that you throw at it.

How does Google Docs compare to word and pages?

Google Docs is simpler than either Pages and Word, and the editing tools more basic. Like Word, I do wish Google had placed a formatting bar directly over the keyboard instead of at the top of the screen.

This is what we stumbled across. on the other hand, Google docs are also online and completely free software that supports the cross-platform feature. To Google docs, you just need to log into your Google account and start using it. There is no operating system or browser-specific restriction like Microsoft Word.

While writing we ran into the query “What are the advantages of pages vs word?”.

The biggest advantage of Pages vs. Word is that Pages is free for a Mac user. But can Pages, the Apple version of Word, do everything you want to do for your writing needs? Read on for a comparison of these two writing programs.

Is there a free alternative to Google Docs and pages?

Apple’s Pages is also a free program to use, which is rather nice ; Apple used to charge for this software ($19.99 on Macs, and $9.99 on i. OS). It’s also a bummer, because I know I paid for the i. Pad version when it first released. Similar to Google Docs, the only thing you would have to pay for would be additional i. Cloud storage should you need it.