Most of the software is installed in bin folders, in /usr/bin, /home/user/bin, etc, and you can generally find the executable by using the find command, but it is usually not a single directory. Components, dependencies, and other folders could be found in lib, bin and other places within the program.
Where are packages installed in Linux?
By convention, software compiled and installed manually (not through a package manager, e. g apt, yum, pacman) is installed in /usr/local. Some packages (programs) will create a sub-directory within /usr/local to store all of their relevant files in, such as /usr/local/openssl.
Depends on the Linux flavor (distro) that you are running but typically programs get installed on /usr/bin or /usr/local/bin You can cd to the /usr/bin directory and then do ls -la | more and you’ll see all the “executable” files there.
Most of the time executables are installed in certain locations on Linux, /usr/bin or /bin are 2 such directories. I usually search the RPM packages like so for these: Show activity on this post. If you look in /var/log there should be a log of your package manager.
Linux where should I install applications?
As a practical matter, you will find that most applications have their program binaries installed in /usr/bin, their libraries installed in /usr/lib or /usr/lib64, their shared application data in /usr/share and their machine-specific application data in /var/lib. These directories are where the system installs applications.
Another frequently asked question is “Linux where should I install programs?”.
You should ideally search for the package in the Software Center or Synaptic. PPAs can be used if the software is not in the default repos. However if you are sure of installing this package, use /opt directory, /opt/appname for example. /opt would be suitable for this kind of installs.
Yet another query we ran across in our research was “Where to install software on a Linux system?”.
Some articles claimed the Linux Standard Base and the Filesystem Hierarchy Standard are arguably the standards of where and how you should install software on a Linux system and would suggest placing software that isn’t included in your distribution either in /opt or /usr/local/ or rather subdirectories therein ( /opt/
One of the next things we wanted the answer to was: where does Ubuntu install its software?
If you use the most obvious method (Ubuntu Software Center/ .deb ‘s) it generally gets installed to the default locations.
For all path-related questions, the Linux Filesystem Hierarchy Standard is the definitive reference. If the program needs to create a folder, then /usr/local is the directory of choice; according to the FHS: The /usr/local hierarchy is for use by the system administrator when installing software locally.
Locally installed software must be placed within /usr/local rather than /usr unless it is being installed to replace or upgrade software in /usr. Show activity on this post.
Where is the C:\Program Files\ in Linux?
There is no C:\Program Files\ in linux ” per se”. Therefore it doesn’t exist one single (default) place where programs where to install. Actually many linux programs installs all over the place, parts of them installs in different folders. That’s happening for performance optimization – one of many reasons why linux runs faster than Windows.