The amount of money bloggers make varies greatly, but this because the amount of work and experience of bloggers varies. A blogger’s content, traffic, consistency, branding, and niche can also affect his or her income. Glassdoor reports that bloggers earn between $19K to $79K a year .
How do bloggers make money?
Bloggers often mention products and brands without the content being sponsored. They can make money from this by asking for that company to give them a unique affiliate link. Whenever someone clicks that link and makes a purchase, the blogger earns money, effectively as a referral commission.
Also, how much do bloggers make per sponsored post?
So, you can have 100,000 visitors to your blog but if you don’t get people commenting on your content or interacting with it much, you probably won’t get paid as much. That being said, bloggers can make from $100 to $25,000 per sponsored post. $25,000 is the highest amount of any blogger I have personally known.
One of the next things we wanted the answer to was; what bloggers make six figures a year?
Com is another blog that is making a healthy six figures a year. In his most recent income report, he shared that he was making a little over $36,000 a month. You can see a sample of where he makes his money from his blog below: You can see that he makes a significant portion of his income as a web hosting affiliate.
How often should bloggers post?
The frequency of blog posts depends on what’s best for your company. Smaller businesses have found comfort and success posting one to four times a week, while larger companies can push out daily and, sometimes, multiple daily posts. If you’re a marketing team of one, don’t feel the need to constantly pump out content.
Some articles claimed There is a direct correlation between the frequency of article publication on your website and its corresponding organic traffic: It’s rare to have a website that blogs too much. Chances are, your site could use more blog posts, especially if your winning competitors are posting much more frequently than you.
Do a quick search online, and you’ll find just as many answers. Brian Dean of Backlinko says he gets over 200k unique visitors to his blog every month, and he publishes a new post roughly every 4-6 weeks. At the other extreme, some blogs publish multiple posts per day.
When we were reading we ran into the query “Which day of the week should you post your blog posts?”.
A study by Noah Kagan found that blog posts that are published on Tuesdays get the largest number of social shares and hence maximum pageviews., however, linked In and Pinterest show a different trend, where people like to share more on Mondays. But, how to make sure you always post on those days?
How much does harsh make a month on his blog?
He started blogging as an interest but when he found out he could make money, he started posting aggressively. The result is, he makes $39k per month. Harsh is one of those bloggers who gets a huge amount of traffic. He reports all his traffic stats in his income report. The blog receives more than 1.5 million pageviews.
How long does it take to write a blog post?
If it takes you several hours to write a blog post, you won’t be able to keep up with a daily schedule. Look at the popular blogs in your niche that publish daily and figure out what makes their successful posts work. Then, follow their example, not by copying the content, but by following their structure.