How to cancel convertkit?

Follow the steps below, and we will cancel your Convert. Kit subscription in record time:

Sign up for Do, not Pay from any web browser of your choice
Type in ‘cancel subscription’ in the search bar
Select the Manage Subscriptions option
Enter Convert. Kit as the name of the service you’d like to cancel.

Another thing we asked ourselves was, how do I cancel my convertkit account?

In Community at Convert. Kit you can ask and answer questions and share your experience with others! I’m sorry to hear you’re looking to cancel your account! Please reach out to our team at help@convertkit. Com 248 (or via the in-app messenger in your account) and one of our Product Specialists will help you with that process.

This of course begs the query “How do I downgrade my convertkit Bill?”

In the Billing tab of your ‘ Account Settings’, click the Downgrade button. Downgrade to a lower pricing tier on any paid plan, or from the Creator plan to the Free plan Contact us using the in-app messenger and we’ll help you out!

How do I contact convertkit support?

Please reach out to our team at help@convertkit. Com 248 (or via the in-app messenger in your account) and one of our Product Specialists will help you with that process.

Is convertkit free to use?

, convert Kit offers an excellent and easy-to-understand pricing structure. It has recently launched its free plan, which includes all the premium landing page templates, unlimited forms, an option to unlock subscribers and email sending by inviting your friends, and much more.

Is convertkit built for Someone Like Me?

If you answered yes to ANY of those descriptors, then yep, Convert. Kit is built for someone just like you. Our founder was a blogger and course creator who was frustrated by how difficult it was to get started as a creator.

Our answer is that not at all! Plus, if you’re on our Creator plan, Convert. Kit provides free migrations to help you switch from other email marketing platforms. We’ll migrate your tags, lists, groups, and segments in 1-3 business days.

You might be asking “What is convertkit’s refund policy?”

Here is what I learned. no matter if you’re on a monthly or annual plan, if you realize Convert. Kit isn’t the right fit for you we can give you a refund as long as you’re within the first 30 days of the date you signed up for your account.

, convert Kit Free plan is $0 per month., convert Kit Complete plan is $29 per month for 1k subscribers., convert Kit Complete plan is $49 per month for 3k subscribers.

, convert Kit is an email marketing tool built for content creators, i., and e. Professional bloggers, writers, course creators and more. It also helps users build landing pages and sell products and services over email. Think of it as a cross between Infusionsoft and Mail. Chimp–except more affordable and easier to use.

How do I upgrade from convertkit to creator pro?

Click on your name in the top right of the Convert. Kit dashboard, followed by the green Upgrade to Creator Pro button. Go to ‘ Account Settings ’ and click on the Billing tab. Then, click the link that says ‘Get 2 months free by upgrading to an annual plan!

How does double opt-in work in convertkit?

, in convert Kit, double opt-in on all of your forms is the default setting. Subscribers who make a confirmation and receive an incentive email are expected to stay with you for a longer period. If you want to offer a freebie (an e-book, for example) as an incentive to your new subscribers, you need to upload a PDF file in Convert, and kit.

How to import subscribers from convertkit?

Now, access the Subscribers tab in your Convert. Kit’s account and click + Create a tag appearing on the sidebar. Give your tag a name (for example, imported subscribers) and click Save. In the Subscribers tab, click on the Import Subscribers button.

Creating an account in Convert. Kit is a piece of cake. To get started with Convert. Kit for free, just follow the below steps: Go to Convert. Kit’s website and click the TRY IT FOR FREE button at the top-right corner.

How can convertkit help you grow your website?

Choose your Convert. Kit username or connect your own custom domain. We’re here to help you grow your audience. So share your ideas with the world our servers can handle it. Add a form to your existing website. Choose from an inline form, pop-up or slide-in to capture your visitor’s interest.