Why can’t you facetime in dubai?

In the UAE’s case, the ban is in place because of the country’s telecoms laws, which essentially allow a monopoly of the sector by its largest telecommunications companies, Etisalat and Emirates Integrated Telecommunications (also know as Du).

The rules and regulation of Dubai City is very strike so due to security reason they ban face time. The wireless carriers In UAE (etisalat and du) are state run (or Sheik run)., most of UAE can afford an wilh and i, phone face Time and i Messages the network providers will lose a huge chunk of their revenue.

, i Phones bought from UAE does not have Facetime “application”, and when you install local UAE sim card, facetime calling options will not appear in contacts details that’s because authorities block facetime and any other similar apps due to their own security measures !!! This does sound very strange to me!

This of course begs the query “How do I activate FaceTime in the UAE?”

, -i OS devices sold by the two local telecoms (DU and Etisalat) and on the local UAE online Apple store do not have facetime enabled on them. -If however you insert another sim card where facetime is NOT blocked for any reason in another country, the facetime toggle appears in the settings’ tab and you CAN activate it.

I read somewhere on Internet that the Face. Time is not only banned in UAE, but rather apple products sold in UAE have Face. Time previously locked. Originally Answered: Why there is no Facetime on i. Phones that are sold in UAE?

Here is what our research found. if your signed in it may be possible that the firewall in the router is blocking the port. No, as noted, it’s blocked by the government. If you bought the phone in the UAE, it will NEVER (repeat NEVER) have Face, and time.

Can I use FaceTime in Saudi Arabia?

, face Time isn’t available or might not appear on devices purchased in Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, and United Arab Emirates, including Dubai. Call forwarding isn’t available with Face, and time.

, face Time and Face. Time audio calling might not be available for all countries, regions, or carriers., face Time isn’t available or might not appear on devices purchased in Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, and United Arab Emirates, including Dubai.

I just got back from Dubaj and they have now enabled Facetime Audio if your device supports it. However, if you buy an i. OS device from UAE Facetime will be disabled at a firmware level. So the trick is to import it from the UK or another country where you can buy Apple Care and get international warranty for a long time.

Why is VoIP banned in the UAE?

VOIP applications are banned because they provide unlicensed Voice over Internet Protocol (VOIP) service, which is against the UAE’s Telecommunications Regulatory Authority’s (TRA) law. People who purchase i. Phones outside the UAE, have Facetime. You can use a VPN to access Facetime and make calls.

Why has Etisalat banned FaceTime and what’s app?

The service provider Etisalat banned apps like what’s app and Face. Time since there is a chance these can affect their profit Because TRA (Telecommunications Regulatory Authority) requires any business to have a local license in order to provide users with Vo, and ip services.

What is FaceTime and how does it work?

, face Time is a data-based service that would, the carriers argue, reduce their revenues. Both Du and Etisalat prohibit users from calling via Vo. IP services such as viper and Whatsapp.