If the files are properly accessible and users cannot edit any song in their library then this problem may be due to a corrupt i, and tunes library.
While researching we ran into the question “How do I edit a song or album in iTunes?”.
One frequent answer is, right click on the song/album, If you see a “download” option, then that is the problem. Choose “download”, and you will now be able to edit the Info.
A common inquiry we ran across in our research was “Why can’t I Change my Song name on iTunes?”.
, i Tunes: Can’t Change Song Name, Artist, or Album on Get Info Screen By Mitch Bartlett64 Comments If you’re a user of Apple i. Tunes who experiences a problem where you cannot rename anything about your music including “Song Name”, “Artist”, or “Album”, you may have a problem where your music files are set to “Read Only”.
Why can’t I add songs to itunes?
Update to the Latest Version of i, and tunes. Convert Music to i. Tunes Supported Format. Relog in i, and tunes account. After tests, under certain circumstances, See More .
Why can’t I add a song to my iTunes library?
Try one of the alternate ways of adding the song file: right-click it and choose Open With > i. Tunes, or If none of the methods work, the audio file is not compatible with i, and tunes. Right-click it and choose Open With > i, and tunes, or.
How to fix iTunes won’t play songs?
Right-click it and choose Open With > i, and tunes. If the file is compatible with i. Tunes, it will be added to your library and will start playing. If the file is not compatible, i. Tunes will “error silently,” i., and e., and do nothing. Try it and tell us which case you get. If it is the second, provide details about the song file.
One answer is, Here are the correct steps to add music to i, and tunes. Check whether you’ve done wrong and follow the right steps as follows to re-add your music and see if that works., open i Tunes, sign in your account (Tips: Account > Sign out > Re-sign in. That fixes the issue in some scenarios).
Disable the i. Cloud Music Library While i. Cloud Music Library is on, it is for sure that you can’t add music to the i, and phone. Go to Settings on i. Phone > Music > i. Cloud Music Library. Toggle the switch until it appears to be green. , disable i, and tunes match.
How do I Turn Off the ability to edit song info?
I had to go to i. Tunes Preferences > Advanced and turn OFF these two options: “Keep i. Tunes Media folder organised” ( turn off) “Copy files to i. Tunes Media folder when adding to library” (turn off) Then FINALLY I could edit song info again. Both of those options had to be off. If I re-enabled one of them, I could no longer edit song info.
Itunes why are songs greyed out?
If a song is greyed out but you can still play it. Open the Apple Music app or i, and tunes. On your Mac, go to the menu bar and choose Music > Preferences. On your PC, choose i. Tunes > Preferences. Click the General tab. Select “Songs list tick boxes”. Click OK.
Under Library, click Songs and make sure there’s a tick next to every song. If there isn’t, select the box next to a song to see a tick.
Why is a song greyed out after uploading to Apple Music?
If a song is still greyed out after your music library has been uploaded, import a new copy of the song into your music library. Then in the Apple Music app or i. Tunes, go to the menu bar and choose File > Library > Update Cloud Library. If you see next to a song, that song might not be eligible for upload.
You can right-click the grey-out song, and then, find “Check (or Trick) Selection” at the bottom of the menu. Click on this option, and you will be able to play your song. Re-authorize your PC It’s not strange that your music might be forgotten by i, and tunes sometimes.
The song might not be available in your country or region and will appear in gray text when you search for it in Apple Music. If an explicit song is grayed out, you might have restrictions turned on for your device. You can use Screen Time on your i, phone, i Pad, or i. Pod touch, or Screen Time on your Mac to turn off restrictions.
On your PC, make sure i. Cloud Music Library is turned on. Keep the Apple Music app or i. Tunes open until your music library has finished uploading. If a song is still greyed out after your music library has been uploaded, import a new copy of the song into your music library.
Why can’t I edit a song or album in the cloud?
I think just possibly what some people are missing here is a very simple (but admittedly easily overlooked) thing: namely, that a song or album must actually be downloaded to your computer in order to be allowed to be edited. In other words, if it’s only in the Cloud, and not downloaded onto your hard drive, editing will not be possible.