If not all photos and videos uploading to i. Cloud, it must be due to weak internet connections. The under maintenance status of the i. Cloud website could also be a reason for it. What happens is that due to poor connection or a well-performing website, larger video files and high-definition pictures take longer to upload .
You might be wondering “Why can’t I upload to iCloud Drive?”
See which versions of Pages, Numbers, and Keynote you can use with i, and cloud drive. Make sure you have enough i, and cloud storage. If you exceed your i. Cloud storage quota, your files won’t upload to i. Cloud Drive and edits won’t update across your devices.
To upload all supported file formats to i. Cloud Photos I have to import the files into a Photos Library and sync this library with i, and cloud. In the upload dialog at www., and icloud. Com > Photos any file is dimmed, that is not JPEG:.
Why are my videos not showing up in my iCloud library?
Four conditions must be met for i. Phone videos to appear in your i. Cloud library: Check that you have i. Cloud Photos enabled in Settings. Go to Settings → Your Name → i. Cloud → Photos → and turn on i, and cloud photos. Open Photos → Albums → Recents and make sure the video files are in the album. Make sure you have enough i. Cloud storage available.
Why is my iCloud Mail not working on my Mac?
Check the system status of i, and cloud mail. On your Mac, open the Mail app then choose Mail > Preferences. Click Accounts, then select your i. Cloud account in the sidebar. Under Account Information, make sure that the account is turned on and the status is online.
Check your Internet connection. To see if you can receive mail for your i. Cloud email on another device, go to i, and cloud. Com on a Mac or PC. Make sure that you turned on Mail in Settings on your i, phone, i Pad, or i, and pod touch. Make sure that new data is pushed to your device automatically. Some additional items to look into: turn your device off and back on, and see more.
While we were writing we ran into the query “How do I know if my iCloud Mail is working?”.
Click Accounts, then select your i. Cloud account in the sidebar. Under Account Information, make sure the account is turned on and the status is online. On your i, phone, i Pad or i. Pod touch, go to Settings > [your name] > i. Cloud and check that Mail is turned on.
To see if you can receive mail for your i. Cloud email on another device, go to i, and cloud. Com on a Mac or PC. Make sure that you turned on Mail in Settings on your i, phone, i Pad, or i, and pod touch. Tap Settings > [your name] > i. Cloud and turn on Mail.
How to fix iPhone and iMac not uploading photos and videos?
, if i Phone not uploading pictures or videos to i. Cloud, use the following steps. Go to Settings and tap on your name. Tap on ‘i. Cloud’ and then tap on ‘Photos’. Then, turn on i, and cloud photos., if i Mac not uploading videos to i. Cloud, simply enable i. Cloud Photo Library.
Why can’t I send or receive email on my iPhone?
If you need help sending or receiving mail on your i, phone, i Pad, or i. Pod touch Make sure that you’re connected to the Internet. Go to i, and cloud. Com on a Mac or PC to see if you can receive email for your i, and cloud email. Tap Settings > [your name] > i. Cloud and turn on Mail on your i, phone, i Pad, or i, and pod touch.
Make sure that you’re connected to the Internet. Try to open apple. Go to i, and cloud. Com on a Mac or PC to see if you can receive email for your i, and cloud email. Tap Settings > [your name] > i. Cloud and turn on Mail on your i, phone, i Pad, or i, and pod touch.
This begs the query “Why is my mail not showing up on my iPhone?”
On your i, phone, i Pad, or i. Pod touch, go to Settings > [your name] > i. Cloud and check that Mail is turned on. Make sure you that haven’t exceeded your i. Cloud storage limit. If you exceed your i. Cloud storage limit, learn how to make more space available in i, and cloud .