Which means your remaining gathering commanders should be sent as secondary commander to help out with harvesting resources to reduce the time it takes. With five marches, it’s more effective to send your double march to farm alliance deposit.
Another stellar epic commander to have for gathering resources on the map is Matilda of Flanders. Suppose you are looking for another way to increase your resource flow further.
Which commander excels at leading infantry?
Very good commander specialized in leading infantry. Guan Yu is a very versatile leader who has excellent AOE skill damage. He has skills and talents specialized in attacking garrisons and unique in his type of being infantry commander. All of the troops under his commander will have a perfect performance for Open-field as well.
One query we ran across in our research was “What are the best commanders to level up?”.
One frequent answer is, joan of Arc and Cleopatra are the best ones, after that is Gaius for food, Sarka for all, Constance for wood and last Centurion the easiest ones to level up will be the rare commanders like Gaius and Sarka, but if you can get Joan or Cleopatra to 5/5 gathering skill and lvl 37 they will have no match.
Almost all commanders who specializes with infantry comes with huge health pool and abilities to increase defense / activate shields to absorb heavy blows. Which makes them absolutely a premier choice for late games to hold the frontline while cavalry commanders do the heavy-lift and archer commanders dealing massive amount of damage.
Every time you send out a commander to farm resources, they should be specialized in by a gathering. You should always have more gathering commanders than your dispatch availability.
What is the best infantry commander to level up right now?
One of the best infantry commander to level up right now is Guan Yu. He is equipped with an active skill that deals 2,000 damage upwards to 3 targets. His passive skill also have a 50% chance to further cause an additional 1,400 damage to the targets.
Richard I is considered to be the best garrison commander not only because of his excellent infantry and defensive skills but also because of his powerful healing ability. He may have attack damage reduction and counterattack damage increase skills, but it is his healing abilities that make him stand out among any other infantry commanders.
Is Alexander the Great the best commander in the game?
Alexander the Great is the best commander for offensive tanking in the open-field skirmishes. He is not as good as the other infantry commanders in garrison defense but in the open-field, he excels more than them. He has excellent offensive and defensive skills when his troops are on the map.
What is the best commander in rise of kingdoms gold?
Another solid gathering commander to have is Seondeok. She is pretty good at gathering one of the essential resources in Rise of Kingdoms: Gold. You will need a lot of gold in the late game, especially with researching high-level technologies and expensive troops. To maximize her gathering capabilities, level up to level 10.