Can you delete a page in confluence?

When you delete a page in Confluence, you’re deleting its page history too. If you only want to delete a specific version of a page, take a look at the instructions below for deleting a specific version. Go to the page and choose > Delete.

While writing we ran into the query “How to delete page in confluence?”.

How to Delete a Page on Confluence

Go to the page and choose > Delete. We’ll warn you of any issues, such as incoming links that will break. Choose Delete to proceed.

You could be wondering “How do I delete a page in my Confluence wiki space?”

Go to the page. Go to the Remove Page option. To do this: Go to a page in the space, open the Tools menu. The ‘Remove Page’ screen opens. You will be prompted to confirm the action. The ‘Remove’ menu option will only appear if you have permission to remove this page.

Delete Page Hierarchy in Confluence 1 Navigate to the parent page and choose > Delete. 2 Choose Also delete child pages then hit Next. 3 We’ll warn you of any issues, such as incoming links that will break. Choose Delete to proceed.

How do I recover a deleted page in confluence?

This article applies to: Confluence. When you delete a page, Confluence puts that page in your space’s trash bin. You can actually restore the page from your trash if you have not specifically deleted it from your space’s trash bin as well. To restore a page from trash, select Space Tools > Content Tools and select the Trash tab.

[Solution] How to Recover Deleted Page in Confluence 1 Go to the space and choose Space tools > Content Tools from the bottom of the sidebar. 3 Choose > Restore next to the page you wish to restore.

Can you edit a page in confluence?

Whatever the reason, Confluence lets you set view and edit restrictions at the page level, so you can keep your content as open, or closed, as you need. Permissions and restrictions aren’t customizable on the Free plan. Change who can view or edit a page Confluence is an open by default permissions ecosystem.

How do I edit or remove an individual in confluence?

Select Can edit or Can view. Select Add to add them to the list with the selected view or edit permission. Select Apply to save the changes. To remove someone or a group, simply click the Remove link next to their name. Instead of applying restrictions to individuals, use Confluence groups to save on typing out individual names.

What happens when I delete a page?

Deleting a page moves it into the space trash. You can speak to your space administrator to have it recovered.