Why do deleted emails keep returning gmail?

Viewing another message from any account or re-opening the app will cause the deleted e mails to immediately reappear in the app, but they will do so on their own in a minute or two with no further action. Refreshing web gmail for all three accounts confirms that only one inbox is updated at a time.

There are no filters that indicate the deletion. I understand gmail does not automatically delete emails. , and please advise. Community content may not be verified or up-to-date., and learn more. The emails in those folders have disappeared. Fortunately, Gmail does not delete any messages from your account (other than Trash and Spam after about 30-days).

The emails in those folders have disappeared. Fortunately, Gmail does not delete any messages from your account (other than Trash and Spam after about 30-days). If messages are missing it’s probably for one of the following reasons: 1. Settings-Filters (search term errors deleting more messages than intended).

How to recover deleted messages from Gmail account?

If you want to restore deleted messages for your own consumer Gmail account, go to Delete or recover deleted Gmail messages. When a user deletes a Gmail message, it stays in their Trash for 30 days. These are the options for retrieving and restoring deleted messages:.

Does gmail keep deleted email?

No, Gmail does not delete old emails. Gmail automatically retains all messages except emails in your Trash or Spam folders. Messages in those folders are automatically deleted after 30 days.

When do gmail emails get deleted?

If you delete an email, it stays in your Trash for 30 days. After 30 days, emails are permanently deleted from the trash. There’s only one copy of every Gmail email. When you click or tap delete, the entire conversation is deleted, including the original email and any replies.

How long do deleted emails stay in Gmail?

If you simply delete an email, it stays in your Trash for 30 days. Or if you mark an email as spam, it also stays in the Spam folder for 30 days. In this period, you can recover deleted emails in Gmail through the ways below.

How long does Google Keep deleted emails on its servers?

The above days in the question regarding the retention days is not accurate. Google hardly keeps any data from its servers for such a long time after it is removed. Once I had removed a email accidentally and asked google for restoration from backup. But they had declined stating that mails once deleted cannot be recovered.

Delete emails and they show back up. Extremely slow retrieving messages from IMAP. Some messages don’t retrieve at all. And it took a couple days to repopulate the Mail app, with lots of messages gone forever.

Does Gmail delete all emails at once?

The simple answer to this question is no. Gmail doesn’t delete any message from the mailbox on its own. Only the user can delete the data & until then, all the emails are stored in the All Mail folder.

While reading we ran into the inquiry “Why can’t I delete emails from Gmail on my Mac?”.

There’s obviously a problem with Mail and the way that it accesses or communicates with Gmail servers. Thanks for using Apple Support Communities. I can see from your post that the Gmail account you use with the Mail app on your Mac won’t completely delete your emails.

When you delete a message, it stays in your trash for 30 days. After that time, it will be permanently deleted. If you want to remove a message from your inbox but don’t want to delete it, you can archive the message. On your computer, go to Gmail.

Why are my emails moving from one Gmail account to another?

Where and how do you delete. Gmail cannot natively move messages around like that, so it would have to be caused by a Third Party App connected to your account. A prime suspect whenever this query comes up is the unroll., and me application.

While I was reading we ran into the inquiry “Why do my messages keep coming back to my inbox?”.

This is what my research found. a suspect message is causing a syncing problem on your device. You delete it, but your phone cant sync so the message just comes back to your in box about 10 seconds later. Log into your email account using the web page log in and delete the messages from there.