Does android or iphone last longer?

The truth is that i. Phones last longer than Android phones. The reason behind this is Apple’s commitment to quality., i Phones have better durability, longer battery life, and excellent after-sales services, according to Cellect Mobile US (https://www. cellectmobile. com/).

After a year that budget Android phone gets shoved in a drawer. It will last longer than the i. Phone that gets used every day but its useful life is less than one fifth that of an i, and phone. Let’s say you paid $100 for the Android budget phone and $600 for an i, and phone.

It needs to clear in what aspect you said last longer. In software wise, the android phones mostly stopped being supported by its maker about 2–3 years after releases. For mid and low end smartphones, the support can end sooner. It’s different with what apple does with i, and phone.

One way to consider this is obviously planned obsolescence is part of Apple’s design after about 4 years, and an i. Phone will start to experience performance issues at around the 3 year mark. If you were to compare an i. Phone and Android both released at the same time out of the box, in some situations the Android is the better phone.

Why is the iPhone better than Android?

The beauty of Apple design is that you can pick up any of its products and 2. A couple additional ideas to pay attention too are ios software updates, yes, apple’s software can sometimes be buggy, but when there’s new 3, and android software just dates.

Also, is android better than iPhone for multitasking?

With more RAM and processing power, Android phones can multitask just as well if not better than i, and phones. While the app/system optimization may not be as good as Apple’s closed source system, the higher computing power makes Android phones much more capable machines for a greater number of tasks.

One of the strong points of Android has always been the level of customization it allows. While Apple wants to keep control of default apps in order to maintain a homogenous software and hardware experience, Android lets you pick your own level of customization.

While Apple wants to keep control of default apps in order to maintain a homogenous software and hardware experience, Android lets you pick your own level of customization. This extends all the way from simple things like live wallpapers, to alternative keyboards, to custom ROM installs.

What is the difference between an iPhone and an Android phone?

, i Phones remain supported by Apple for many more years than Android phones are supported by Android OEMs. This is a great troll question but it’s flawed on many levels., first, i Phones are premium phones and the majority of Android phones are budget phones. There’s a quality difference.

Is an unlocked Android phone better than an unlocked iPhone?

You can also get an unlocked Android phone for far less than the cost of Apple’s least expensive handset, the i, and phone se. Here are 10 reasons Android beats the i, and phone., and better values.

Do you hate Android phones and iPhone 8+?

, hey, i Phone 8+ user here. I’ve had Androids for the past 6 years and for the past couple of months I’ve had an i, and phone 8+. I personally don’t hate Android phones ; there’s a lot of things you can do with an Android that you can’t do with an i. Phone, and vice versa.

So chances are many i. Phone users have access to Android devices just out of curiosity. They have the money remember? This also happen with the owner of high end Androids. They buy them because they have money.

What are some bad things about Android?

In the US Android sits around the high 30s to low 40s for market share, for example. Android produces mountains of waste compared to i, and phones. For every one phone an i. Phone user buys Android users buy and dispose of two to three phones. Support and customer service in the world of Android is atrocious. Most phones never recieve an OS update.

The main issue is that i. Phone users don’t get anything in their 60–70k i. Phones As compared to same priced android phones. We can compare i. Phone 8 to s9 and see the price difference and quality.