Why does my chromecast keep disconnecting?

If your Chromecast isn’t stuck outright in an endless reboot loop the culprit is almost always a poor quality power supply. Many users hijack the USB service port on their television as a very convenient way to provide power.

A common question we ran across in our research was “Why does my Chromecast keep disconnecting from my iPhone?”.

, your i Phone and Chromecast need to be connected to the same network. If your i. Phone automatically switches to a network with a better signal, it will cause your Chromecast to disconnect. Your Chromecast might be disconnecting from your i. Phone due to a temporary glitch. Try restarting the device and connecting it again.

All the videos that I deliberately queue up to view are erased when the Chromecast disconnects (after literally only 5 minutes), forcing me to go find all the videos I wanted to see and queue them again. God forbid I have to go do anything else that takes longer than a few minutes to complete. This is very counter productive Google.

If you have poor signal strength, per the Chromecast’s reporting, there are two primary approaches you can take. To decide which approach is most appropriate, take another Wi-Fi enabled device like a phone, tablet, or laptop over by your HDTV and check the signal strength.

Why is my Chromecast device not working?

The Chromecast device is not receiving sufficient power to stream. The Chromecast device is more than six meters away from your computer or mobile device. The first thing you should try is rebooting the Chromecast device. To reboot via the app: Ensure that your mobile device or computer and Chromecast are connected to the same Wi-Fi network.

Chromecast enables enhanced viewing by taking your favorite computer, mobile device, or internet-based content and allowing you to project it onto your high-definition big screen. It’s a marvelous concept when it works as expected. However, it can occasionally suffer due to connection, buffering, and random freezing problems.