As mentioned, Chromecast with Google TV doesn’t require a mobile device to stream content, though it is still recommended to use a mobile phone to set it up, and it is a hard requirement for other Chromecast models.
Each Chromecast model requires an internet connection. How it works depends on which model you get. The original Chromecast only works with your phone or tablet. Once you connect the device to your TV or stereo, you can stream content directly from your devices.
Another frequent query is “What are the requirements for a Chromecast device?”.
One way to consider this is requirements for Chromecast devices. Here are the minimum Operating System (OS) requirements for Chromecast devices: You can use the Google Home app on compatible mobile devices to set up Chromecast (both versions), Chromecast Ultra, Chromecast Audio, and TVs and speakers with Chromecast built-in.
How does Chromecast work with your phone?
“Casting” works by playing content on your phone over the same Wi-Fi your Chromecast is connected to. When the content plays on your device you’ll see a little screen icon appear.
In recent years a little streaming device known as the Chromecast has become one of the most common household items inside many homes around Australia. People love to use the device to stream movies and images from their phones or tablets to their TV screens.
This is not possible, because the chromecast retrieves the media from the wifi network it is connected to. It also can only be discovered over this network. On your phone, the mobile and wifi networks are two different networks, the chromecast is on wifi, if you are using mobile data, then it can’t be discovered.
For a long time, Chromecast has been an interesting way to stream on a budget. Now that it has a traditional remote and user interface with the Chromecast with Google TV, it might be the best streaming device around. Google How does Chromecast work? Each Chromecast model requires an internet connection. How it works depends on which model you get.
Does chromecast use data?
A Chromecast consumes data in two ways. The first way is if you are using it to watch videos from streaming services like Netflix, Stan or You. Tube on your phone or tablet. The whole time you are watching, your Chromecast will be streaming the content using your Wi-Fi network and this will use your data.
The device (phone/tablet/etc.) that is controlling the Chromecast must be on the same Wi. Fi network as the Chromecast device in order to be able to control the Chromecast, so no, you can’t be using data. This is not possible, because the chromecast retrieves the media from the wifi network it is connected to.
According to my Google Wi. Fi app, in the past 30 days, my living room Chromecast Ultra used 232GB, the basement one used 337GB, and my personal bedroom one has used 170Gb. That’s a mind boggling amount of data to me, at least when thinking about it terms of Mobile Data.