What does a dotted cloud mean in itunes?

The dotted cloudis displayed when i. Tunes is actively processing and syncing the file with the cloud. The exclamation point cloudshows when a file could not be placed into the cloud for any reason. The double cloudsicon is displayed when the the cloud has identified a duplicated file.

What does the dotted-line cloud next to a song Mean?

If you see a dotted-line cloud next to a song, then it might mean one of the following: Waiting : The song is in the process of being matched and hasn’t been uploaded. Not Uploaded: The song was added from another device and can’t be matched.

So, what does the cloud symbol in iTunes mean?

Question: Q : What does the cloud symbol in itunes mean. Answer: A: If the icon appears on a song, it means that the song is not downloaded. If the icon appears in the top right, it means that i. Tunes is currently syncing with your i. Cloud Music Library, or has failed to sync.

What does a dotted circle in itunes mean?

You will find your device name on the left panel of i, and tunes. The dotted circle i. Tunes also occurs because the “ manually manage music and videos ” feature is disabled. Therefore, check whether you have enabled the “manually manage music and videos” box. If you have enabled the above option, then try to drag it over to your music on your device.

In a situation where your songs on i. Tunes are gray with a dotted circle around it, at that point, there are three possible causes. First of all, it may mean that the music has not been able to sync your gadget. This could be the reason the sync was compromised, or i. Tunes was shut down before the sync ended.

Why does my iTunes have a dotted circle?

The dotted circle i. Tunes also occurs because the “manually manage music and videos” feature is disabled. Therefore, check whether you have enabled the “manually manage music and videos” box. If you have enabled the above option, then try to drag it over to your music on your device. Music files should sync.

What is dotted circle of death on iTunes?

Well, users are noticing the problem while syncing the music files, some music simply won’t sync. Well, some online users are naming this i. Tunes dotted circle as Dotted Circle Of Death.

Another thing we wanted the answer to was; what does the dotted circle mean in the sync screen?

The dotted circle is the initial state of synchronisation (ie not yet). It will be a pie chart with the dark part showing the progress when in action. I discovered it when a smart list, used to synchronise unread audiobooks, didn’t work for some new items in list (the smart list tested for unread and marked to include).

How to delete files with dotted circles on iTunes?

We recommend the users to open up i. Tunes and delete the files that have dotted circles beside their name. You can get a select option and you have to delete the files after selection. Afterward, you would have to visit Tunes library and you are required to drag and drop the files.

How to fix iTunes greyed out with a dotted circle?

Delete all the i. Tunes songs that are greyed out with a dotted circle, and you can even try to delete the album that contains the greyed-out songs. Re-sync the music via USB cable, not Wi-Fi. If the songs are still missing and gray, try the method reported by an i. Phone user: first go to Preference and select manually manage music.

The greyed out tracks and dotted circle icons would seem to indicate that i. Tunes has stalled during a transfer and now isn’t properly accounting for what is and is not already on the device. Sadly it doesn’t recover gracefully from this issue. You could try the following all-purpose steps for dealing with erratic device or sync behaviour.

Why do my songs appear in light gray text in iTunes?

Your songs might appear in i. Tunes in light gray text for a variety of reasons. Those reasons include: You’re not connected to i. Cloud Music Library. If you see a Disconnected icon in the upper-right corner of i. Tunes, you’re not connected to i. Cloud Music Library. Click the icon to reconnect.

Delete the original grayed out songs. After you make AAC copies of all the grayed out songs, you simply need to sync i. Phone with i, and tunes library. This method may be annoying if there are many grayed out songs with a dotted circle in i, and tunes.

How do I know if a song was added to iCloud?

, i, and cloud status. The statuses in the i. Cloud Status column can help you figure out if a song was purchased from the i. Tunes Store, added from Apple Music, matched with i. Tunes Match, uploaded, or something else. Apple Music: You added this song from the Apple Music catalog. Matched: This song was matched with Apple Music or i, and tunes match.