This usually happens when upgrading to a new device or when you change your carrier or your phone number, and we already showed you how to fix a similar issue on i, and message. So in this post, we’ve lined up ten solutions to fix Face. Time waiting for activation error on i, and phone.
Please note that activation may take up to 24 hours to complete., leave i Message, and Face. Time enabled for this entire period and do not toggle it off and on. If after 24 hours, i. Message or Face. Time still aren’t working, it pays first to call your mobile phone carriers support team to ensure the problem isn’t on their end. Are you using an i, and phone?
Why does someone show up as unavailable on FaceTime?
There are a variety of reasons why a person shows up as unavailable in Face, and time. The phone is out of battery or switched off. Do Not Disturb is on. The person did not answer your call after 10 rings. Out of range or not connected to Wi. Fi or Cellular Data. On another Face, and time call.
Also, why can’t I call someone on FaceTime?
If you see an unavailable notice when trying to call a specific person using Face. Time, it’s possible that the person isn’t taking calls at the moment. The phone is out of battery or switched off Do Not Disturb is on The person did not answer your call after 10 rings.
Call forwarding isn’t available with Face, and time. If you try to switch from a Face. Time call to a phone call or a Face. Time audio call.
Why is my FaceTime not working on my Mac?
Set Your i. Device’s and Mac’s Date & Time to Automatic Many Face. Time problems are due to incorrect dates or times on your devices . If Apple Servers find a mismatch between your device’s date or time and Face. Time’s server’s time for your current location, Face, time, i Message, and other Apple services won’t work, and the verification fails .
Why can’t I see FaceTime messages on my phone?
This is because Apple sometimes might send an SMS to your phone as part of the activation process for Face, and time. If that’s not possible due to certain other reasons, make sure Face. Time is turned ON in the list of ‘Allowed Apps’.
To activate it again, press and hold that Top button until you see the Apple logo. Once you have done this with whichever model of phone you have, turn your Facetime feature back on. See if it works for you now or if you still get the “Waiting for Activation” message.