Even a few Germans are shaking their heads over all the Street View wariness. None other than Angela Merkel herself has stated that Germany would not hamper the release of Google’s Street View application ( DW-World. de ). Google has been in the process of gathering images for Germany and Austria since 2008.
For example, Germany doesn’t allow it because of privacy laws. You can see where the Street View cars are currently driving – https://www., and google. Com/streetview/understand/ and this link https://www., and google. Com/streetview/contributors/ talks about how you can become a Street View contributor.
Google has tried to launch Street View twice in the country, and failed both times due to public backlash. The video below explains more about why Google, one of the world’s largest companies, has not yet been able to make it with Street View in Germany.
What is the equivalent of Google Street View in Germany?
There are no equivalent services to Google Street View in Germany. Google had to blur the images its cameras took at German Streets, under request of individuals that won the right for that in trials. Later Google had to provide that service under request of any German resident.
Is Google Street View legal in Germany?
Street View, which Google started in 2007, is in 50 countries, including Germany. Germany is one of the most privacy-sensitive countries in the world. So when Google started taking pictures of buildings and homes for its Street View maps, some people were outraged, even though it was legal.
Why is Google Maps not available in Germany?
It is in some areas in Germany, but was stopped due to privacy considerations, the service is not legal from a privacy point of view. It is available in most places and areas, just some people in this country like to hide their private property from public view via Google. And they got this legal right.
Made from Google’s own data, the map sums up a long history of the company’s troubles with Germany. It all started in August 2010, when Google announced it would be mapping Germany’s 20 largest cities by the end of the year. But many Germans were outraged. Germany has resisted Google’s Street View mapping efforts.