What does github ae stand for?

A “Unique Committer” is a licensed user of Git. Hub Enterprise, Git. Hub Enterprise Cloud, Git. Hub Enterprise Server, or Git. Hub AE, who has made a code commit in the last 90 days to any repository with any Git. Hub Advanced Security functionality activated. You must acquire a Git. Hub Advanced Security User license for each of your Unique Committers.

, git Hub AE is a security-enhanced and compliant way to use Git. Hub in the cloud., git Hub AE enables you to move your Dev. Ops workload to the cloud while meeting stringent security and compliance requirements., git Hub AE is fully managed, reliable, and scalable, allowing you to accelerate delivery without sacrificing risk management.

After you purchase Git. Hub AE, we’ll ask you to provide an email address and username for the person you want to initialize the enterprise. Your dedicated technical account manager in Git. Hub Enterprise Support will create an account for the enterprise owner and send the enterprise owner an email to log into Git. Hub AE and complete the initialization.

Plan your provisioning deployment Step 2., configure git Hub AE to support provisioning with Azure AD Step 3., add git Hub AE from the Azure AD application gallery Step 4. Define who will be in scope for provisioning Step 5. Configure automatic user provisioning to Git. Hub AE Step 6. Monitor your deployment.

, git Hub Actions Documentation Automate, customize, and execute your software development workflows right in your repository with Git, and hub actions. You can discover, create, and share actions to perform any job you’d like, including CI/CD, and combine actions in a completely customized workflow.

This of course begs the inquiry “Is GitHub advanced security available for enterprise accounts?”

, git Hub Advanced Security is available for enterprise accounts on Git. Hub Enterprise Cloud, Git. Hub AE, and Git. Hub Enterprise Server 3.0 or higher.

What is the use of a GitHub repository?

Git is responsible for everything Git. Hub-related that happens locally on your computer. You can connect to Git. Hub using the Secure Shell Protocol (SSH), which provides a secure channel over an unsecured network. You can create a repository on Git. Hub to store and collaborate on your project’s files, then manage the repository’s name and location.

What can I do with GitHub Pages?

You can use Git. Hub Pages to showcase some open source projects, host a blog, or even share your résumé. This guide will help get you started on creating your next website. You can set up a basic Git. Hub Pages site for yourself, your organization, or your project.

Another frequently asked query is “Are all GitHub Docs Open Source?”.

Help us make these docs great!, all git Hub docs are open source. See something that’s wrong or unclear? Submit a pull request. Still need help?

Does github support mermaid?

Github has recently introduced Mermaid support. Mermaid is a flowchart and visualization tool that relies on the Markdown language. Users can create a variety of chart types and insert them using the Markdown language into the text fields of Github.

I am hoping to use mermaid in Git. Hub-pages, with simple commit and push. And add some js on my _layouts/post. Html to somehow transform this to a mermaid graph. I have found this theme claims that it supports such thing. But this theme looks way too heavy for me, the js were just too much, so I thought I could only use this file, which is simply.

You can use mermaid-cli https://github., and com/mermaidjs/mermaid. Cli for generating diagrams. You can produce .svg, .png or .pdf file whatever you want. In your case. Another solution in moving your repository to gitlab .

Does GitHub-flavoured Markdown support rendering of Mermaid graphs?

Unfortunately, github-flavoured markdown doesn’t support rendering of mermaid graphs. See this issue for more information and finding comfort in other peoples quest of this feature ;).

If your are using VS Code, you can use this extension to preview your mermaid code blocks inside markdown but note that this does not render once you put it on github.