If you don’t already have Git installed, you must configure it before using Git, and hub desktop., git Hub Desktop uses the email address you set in your local Git configuration to connect commits with your account on Git, and hub.
Does github desktop need git?
That’s right, even though Git. Hub Desktop does depend on Git, it doesn’t install that dependency. Fortunately, you can install Git from within Git, and hub desktop. To do this, click Repository | Open in Command Prompt, and you will be prompted to install Git (Figure B).
Do you need git to use github desktop?
Git is an open-source, version control tool created in 2005 by developers working on the Linux operating system; Git. Hub is a company founded in 2008 that makes tools which integrate with git. You do not need Git. Hub to use git, but you cannot use Git. Hub without using git.
Git can be used without Github. There are several clients that “implement” git (e. g. Tortoise. Git or the “original” git) on various platforms. Github for Windows is an application facilitating work with Github, but not necessary for using Github or git.
, git Hub Desktop ( formerly Git. Hub for Windows) is a more streamlined GUI. , uses power Shell for git command line. The version of git it includes lags the latest release. “Before you set up Git. Hub Desktop, you must already have a Git. Hub or Git. Hub Enterprise account. ” You log in with your account, your Git. Hub repositories are automatically detected.
Do I need Git Bash with GitHub for Windows?
But you shouldn’t need to use Git Bash much (if at all) with Git. Hub for Windows. Show activity on this post. The exe is simply a windows interface to sync code to the github website (where you can track changes and then download it to your other computer) .
What is the use of GitHub for Windows?
, git Hub for Windows is a GUI interface for git. You can see a list of other GUI interfaces for git here. If you have Github for Windows working then you also have git for Windows installed. Show activity on this post.
Then, is it safe to install Git-for-Windows?
You can safely install git-for-windows in addition of Git. Hub Desktop: both will ignore each others. There is folder context menu (windows shell integration) to access these. Includes the latest release of git.
Does Github have a large file storage?
When you install Git. Hub Desktop, Git Large File Storage (Git LFS) is installed, too. Git LFS lets you push files to Git. Hub that exceed the normal limit of 100 MB.