Does google groups require a gmail account?

Google Groups don’t require a GMail account You can access Google Groups without needing to use Google Mail as your email provider, or starting a new Google Mail account. However, you do need a Google Account (subtly different to Google Mail: does need a username and password) to access the groups.

Anyway, if you don’t want to register a Google Account, or don’t want to use a Gmail to subscribe to a Google Group, it’s possible to join a group without logging into Google Account. Google Groups Help details the way to join or subscribe to a group via email, which does not require login to Google Accounts.

Do I need a Google account to use Google Groups?

If you don’t have a Google Account, you can: You need a Google Account to: To use these features with Google Groups, you can create a Google Account without changing your email address. You can also link a non-Gmail email address to an existing Google Account.

Can non-Gmail users use Google Groups?

Yes: non Gmail users can use Google Groups . But regardless of what email service they use, people will need to opt-in to join a Google Group. You cannot simply add people without their consent – you can invite them. Reminded me of quote : “Using intelligence to help fellow living entities is good.

How do I join a Google group without a Gmail address?

Join a Google group without a Gmail address. If you don’t have a Google Account, you can: You need a Google Account to: To use these features with Google Groups, you can create a Google Account without changing your email address. You can also link a non-Gmail email address to an existing Google Account.

Why do I need a Google account to join a group?

If you visit a discussion group hosted on Google Groups via web browser, you will notice that you’re asked to sign in with a Google Account or create a new Google Account when you want to join or subscribe to the group in order to receive the mailing list.

With Google Groups, you can use any email address to join a group. Alternatively it’s very simple to set up a Gmail account, which will give you further access to a Google Group. There are many benefits of using Google Groups over the other, similar platforms.

Can I have a Google account without a Gmail account?

A Google account can have a GMail account associated, but it doesn’t have to. A GMail account necessarily has a Google Account associated with it. Put another way, You can have a account without a Google Account. Google account to log-in to the group with. Just as you must have a Yahoo account to administer your membership in a Yahoo group with.