, i Cloud Storage is the total amount of storage space available on i, and cloud. It’s what you pay for. Everybody gets 5 GB (gigabytes) for free. You can upgrade your storage to 50 GB, 200 GB, or 2 TB (2 terabyte is 2000 gigabytes), and the monthly fees aren’t too bad — but it’s not necessary.
Residents in some U. States have tax added to the monthly payment due to state laws. Accepted payment methods for i. Cloud storage upgrades include credit cards, debit cards, and your Apple ID balance. If you don’t have enough available funds in your Apple ID balance to complete your upgrade, you’ll be charged the remaining amount.
How much does iCloud storage cost?
Every Apple user gets 5GB of i. Cloud at no cost . However, for those that need a bit more, there are three options. 50GB for $0.99 per month – Apple says this is the most popular option. It recommends it for users who simply need to store photos, videos, files, and apps and backing up a device.
When you set up i. Cloud, you automatically get 5GB of free storage. You can use that storage space to back up your device and to keep all of your photos, videos, documents, and text messages securely stored and updated everywhere. Depending on the size of your backup and the amount of content you keep in i. Cloud, you might run out of free space.
You automatically get 5GB of free i. Cloud storage for your photos, videos, files, and more. If you need more i. Cloud storage, you can upgrade from any of your devices. Choose from a total of 50GB, 200GB, or 2TB.
Once the trial is finished, your current i. Cloud+ plan is canceled. Your total i. Cloud storage will be the amount included in your Apple One subscription. You keep both your current i. Cloud+ plan and the i. Cloud storage in Apple One.
How do I get more iCloud storage on my iPhone?
You can buy more i. Cloud storage on your i, phone, i Pad, or i. Pod Touch from the Settings app., your i Phone comes with 5GB of i. Cloud storage for free, but you can buy up to 2TB. The 50GB i. Cloud storage plan is generally enough for one person and costs $1 per month. Visit Insider’s Tech Reference library for more stories.
How do I upgrade to a new iCloud storage plan?
Whether you’re on an i, phone, i, pad, i Pod touch, Mac, or PC, upgrading your i. Cloud storage is simple. Choose your device below and upgrade in just a few quick steps. Go to Settings > [your name] > i. Cloud > Manage Storage or i, and cloud storage. Choose a plan.
How do I Buy More storage on my Device?
Choose your device below and buy more in just a few quick steps. Go to Settings > [your name] > i. Cloud > Manage Storage or i, and cloud storage. Choose a plan and follow the onscreen instructions.