Where does icloud download photos?

On your Windows computer, open File Explorer, then click i. Cloud Photos in the Navigation pane. If you don’t see i. Cloud Photos, click Pictures in the Navigation pane, then double-click i, and cloud photos. Double-click the Downloads folder (or the location you chose during setup ).

Where do icloud photos download to on pc?

You can also download your photos and videos by year. You can find the download button by clicking i. Cloud in the Windows Notification Area. * New photos and videos automatically download to your PC at C:\Users\your name\My Pictures\i, and cloud photos\downloads.

When you turn on i. Cloud Photos or My Photo Stream, new photos and videos you add to i. Cloud on other devices are automatically downloaded to your PC. If a photo or video is changed on another device or on i, and cloud. Com, you need to download it again to see the updates. You can manually download older photos and videos by year.

, on i, and cloud. Com, click Photos and select a photo or video. Hold the command key on your Mac or control key on your PC to select multiple photos or videos. Click and hold the download button in the upper corner of the window.

This of course begs the question “How do I download photos and videos from iCloud to Windows?”

Open the photo or video to download the full version., in i Cloud for Windows 10 and earlier, after you turn on i. Cloud Photos on all of your devices, any new photos and videos you add to your library will automatically download to your PC.* You can also download your photos and videos by year.

If you’re using i. Cloud for Windows version 11 or later, you can choose which photos and videos stored in i. Cloud Photos are downloaded to your computer. You must download a photo or video before you can open it.

While we were reading we ran into the question “What is iCloud Photo Library for Windows?”.

, i Cloud for Windows, which allows you to access your photos, contacts, calendars, files, and more from any of your devices., with i Cloud Photo Library, any new photos and videos that you take on your i, phone, i Pad, or i. Pod touch automatically download to your PC.

How do I download photos from an iCloud shared album?

Double-click a photo or video, then copy it to another folder on your computer. Open a Windows Explorer window., click i Cloud Photos in the Navigation pane. Double-click the Shared folder. Double-click the shared album that you want to download photos or videos from. Double-click a photo or video, then copy it to another folder on your computer.

Double-click the shared album that you want to download photos or videos from. Double-click a photo or video, then copy it to another folder on your computer. Open a Windows Explorer window.

How to get my photos back from iCloud?

How to Get My Photos back from i. Cloud 1 Go to Settings > [your name]. 2 Tap i. Cloud, then tap Photos.

Clicking on Downloads will take you to the Downloads Folder, where you will find all your i. Cloud Photos arranged in different sub- folders . To make a backup, you can copy the entire Downloads Folder to Desktop, USB drive or any other location on your computer.

If you deleted from your i. Phone or from i, and cloud. Com the deletions would sync between those devices but if you delete from your PC, they won’t be deleted from i. Cloud or your other devices. See the following from Get help with i. Cloud Photos on your Windows PC – Apple Support.

How to download photos from iPhone to Windows 10 PC?

, with i Cloud Photo Library, any new photos and videos that you take on your i, phone, i Pad, or i. Pod touch automatically download to your PC. And you can upload new photos and videos from your PC so that you can access them from your other devices too. Step 1 : Download and install i. Cloud for Windows on your computer, and restart your computer.