Generally, you can definitely restore photos from i. Cloud Photo Stream through this way as long as you have backed up your photos with i, and cloud. You can’t selectively restore the specific photos.
How to restore photos from iCloud backup?
Go to Settings > Your name > i. Cloud > Photos on your old device and see if you have enabled i. Cloud Photo Library. If the option is on, your photos and videos has been already uploaded in i. Cloud instead of your i. Cloud backup files. Therefore, you cannot restore photos from i, and cloud backup.
How long does it take to recover deleted photos from iCloud?
You can also recover them within 30 days.
When you delete a photo or video from Photos on i, and cloud. Com, it’s also deleted from all your devices that have i. Cloud Photos turned on. If you change your mind, you have 30 days to recover it before it’s permanently deleted.
How to get old photos from iCloud?
The last way to get old photos from i. Cloud is by restoring your i. Cloud backup to i, and phone. But this requires you to erase all content and settings on device first. Hence, this will wipe the current data on i. Phone and then restore an i. Cloud backup file to device.
What does restoring from icloud mean?
Restoring from i. Cloud backup or i. Tunes backup means to restore the information stored in the backup onto the i. Phone including apps, settings, photos, contacts, messages, music, notes, etc. However the backup has to be created before the restore process.
This of course begs the inquiry “What happens to my purchased content when I restore from iCloud?”
, your i Cloud Backup includes information about the content you buy, but not the content itself. When you restore from an i. Cloud backup, your purchased content is automatically redownloaded from the i. Tunes Store, App Store, or Books Store.
Why is my iphone not restoring from icloud?
In most situations, it happens because of poor Wi-Fi connectivity or if your i. Phone loses Wi-Fi and switches to cellular data. It is also likely that when you are trying to restore from an i. Cloud backup, the Apple servers might not be working temporarily. And finally, an outdated i. OS on your i. Phone may be causing the restore to be stuck.
It is easy to restore an i. Phone with i, and cloud., i Cloud makes it easy to store data and then restore it when you switch to a newer i, and os device. To Restore your i. Phone from i. Cloud backup, go to Settings > General > Software Update. Make sure to update your i. OS is updated to the latest software before backing up your device and restoring.
One of the next things we asked ourselves was, why can’t I restore my iPhone from iCloud?
Once Apple fixes the server problems, an i. Cloud restore will complete without any intervention from your end. Wi-Fi Got Disconnected You can not restore from i. Cloud using cellular data. So make sure your device is connected to Wi-Fi (a strong one) throughout the restore process.
What is iCloud backup and how does it work?
When your device is backed up in i. Cloud, you can easily set up a new device or restore information on one you already have.
Make sure the i. Cloud backup is suitable for the current device. For example, if you backed up your i. Pad and now want to restore to an i. Phone, some files won’t appear. Take a look at your network connection. The downloading process should be preceded under Wi-Fi connection.
One common answer is, you can use that storage space for your i. Cloud backups, to keep your photos and videos stored in i. Cloud Photos, and your documents up to date in i, and cloud drive. Depending on the size of your backup and amount of content you keep in i. Cloud, you might run out of free space. You can buy more i. Cloud storage or delete content.
How to fix iPhone restore stuck in recovery mode?
As the restoration is stuck, you will have to revert the process manually. Sail to the “Settings” on your i. Phone and scroll down to find “i. Cloud” from the list then tap. Inside the i. Cloud menu, scroll the list to see “Backup”. Click and active it. In the same window, tap on the “Stop Restoring i. Phone” option.
Another question we ran across in our research was “How to stop restoring iPhone from iTunes backup?”.
On your phone, navigate your way to ‘Settings’ and tap on ‘i, and cloud’. Then go to ‘Backup’. Tap on ‘Stop Restoring i, and phone’.