Then, if you install the App again, i. Tunes won’t have any place from which get the save game data., i Cloud works the same way. This is a complete boomer, because it would be great to keep the save data from games that you no longer want to have installed. SOME games (infinite blade 2) have the cloud saving feature which will restore the save game.
Does icloud backup game data?
Apple says the i. Cloud backs up “app data” which supposedly includes game saves. But when you delete a game and re-download it from the App Store (for example Clash of Clans), the score is re-instated too without actually restoring from the i, and cloud backup., and milok writes.
How can I save my game using iCloud?
You have to enable the Internet connection and i. Cloud synchronization in the game settings to save your game using i, and cloud. Your game progress will be linked to your i, and cloud. How can I transfer my game progress? Here is how to transfer your game progress: Enable i. Cloud in your device settings. Make sure you use the same Apple ID.
While writing we ran into the inquiry “How do I transfer my game progress to iCloud?”.
Some games will provide the option to do so manually, such as Fallout Shelter. A few will entirely automatically save your progress to i. Cloud; Crashlands rather sweetly does this, meaning all you need to do to get your progress back is reinstall and launch the game. (You can also switch progress between devices just by relaunching!).
Just restore to your i, and cloud backup. At the end of the i. Cloud restore process, i. Cloud will redownload all of your purchased apps again from the app store anyway, giving you a fresh copy. If the author of this app stores your game progress in the app data that is backed up (which I assume it is), you should be able to pick up where you left off.
If the author of this app stores your game progress in the app data that is backed up (which I assume it is), you should be able to pick up where you left off. (But you would have to contact the app author to find out for sure what app data is backed up.) App data is included in the i, and pad backup.
What data should be backed up on iCloud?
For the most part, your i. Cloud (and i. Tunes) backups should include all of your important app data, provided the app has been designed to back up this data. See What i. Cloud Backs Up under Apple’s i. Cloud storage and backup overview article for specific details of what gets backed up to i, and cloud.
Another frequently asked inquiry is “What happens to apps when you backup to iCloud?”.
When you perform a backup to i. Cloud, Apple, behind the scenes, collects all that app data that’s on your device, a batch of d Apps that use i. Cloud are in a state where you are able to actively use them, and while doing so, they keep track of the data they create in i. Cloud moment to moment that is essential to their use.
How do I start a game with a cloud save file?
Start the game with the cloud save Open up the game you want to play and it should immediately sync your saved data. If it asks for a storage device, select “cloud saved games.” Use the save file from the cloud when starting the game.