There is no ‘drafts ‘ section in i. Message and most of the time the message in question took an hour or more to write out and it’s extremely important. Sidenote: You take an hour or more composing one single i, and message? To your question, there really isn’t a drafts area. I’d imagine those messages are simply deleted.
I discovered, saving i Message draft for New Conversation IOS is on it’s 11th iteration and soon 12th will be coming out in September and there is no good text message draft saving feature. . Android has this simple text message draft saving function for a long, long time. Here is bummer.
What are imessages texts?
, i, and message., i Messages are texts, photos, or videos that you send to another i, phone, i, pad, i Pod touch, or Mac over Wi-Fi or cellular-data networks. These messages are always encrypted and appear in blue text bubbles. To turn i. Message on or off, go to Settings > Messages.
These messages are always encrypted and appear in blue text bubbles. To turn i. Message on or off, go to Settings > Messages.
The text messages are green in color, whereas the messages sent on i. Message are blue. So, the message from i. Phone to Android device will be sent as a text message, whereas i. Messages are the messages between i. Phone devices only, and they require a data connection.
One query we ran across in our research was “What is the difference between text and iMessage?”.
, i Messages are fundamentally different than text messages because they use data to send messages, not the text messaging plan you purchase through your wireless carrier., i Message does a whole lot more than SMS or MMS: i. Message supports sending photos, videos, files, locations, and a slew of other data types using the Messages app.
Here is what my research found. Color coding makes it easy to tell an i. Message from a text message. Let’s get the obvious out of the way., i Messages appear in blue bubbles on your i. Phone while text messages appear in green ones. But that only happens so you can tell the difference between them. There’s more going on beneath the surface.
A inquiry we ran across in our research was “What can I do with iMessage on my iPhone?”.
Learn how to use Messages on your i, phone, i Pad, or i, and pod touch. Personalize your messages with Digital Touch, i. Message apps, and message effects. Send photos, videos, or audio messages and group messages. Learn how to use Messages on your Mac.
Regular text messages use the text messaging plan that you purchase through your carrier. There are two kinds of text messages: SMS (Short Message Service): The original text messages that we’ve been using for years. SMS messages are limited to 160 characters and can only contain text.
How to save drafts of text messages on iPhone?
To address your question regarding saved drafts; it’s not currently possible to save drafts of text messages. Regarding the behavior you’re experiencing, I’d recommend using the steps below to close the Messages app and then restart your i, and phone. After this, test to see if you still experience the behavior. From the Home screen, swipe up and pause.
Synchronization of the i. Phone with Mac is also a good option if you want to save i. Phone text messages. Given below are the steps to export messages from i, and phone. Step 1: Select the Launchpad app from the dock on Mac. Then, select the Messages app.
How do I send a draft text on my Android phone?
To use the Messages app, tap the Drafts icon in the Message app selection window. … Once you find the draft, tap it in the list to insert the text into the message window, ready to send. The “Send” button must still be tapped to complete sending the message.