Yes you can as imessage is an instant messaging service like whatsapp, so you can text imessages to another ios user living in another country and all for free. Imessage uses both data and Wi-Fi in send and receiving internationally as long as you have an active internet connection on your phone.
If using i. Message abroad or even at home there is data usage it usage maybe very small and wont be reflected in your bill even if you’re a heavy users like myself. The data usage of any individual i. Message may be small. However, it can add up and will certainly show on your data usage. My carrier shows usage by the kilobyte.
The answer is no., sending i Messages internationally doesn’t cost a dime because imessage is an instant messaging service thar uses the internet and not cellular network service, and whereas most instant messaging services doesn’t attract charges or fees.
Is iMessage free in other countries?
, i Message is “free” everywhere – UK, USA, Tierra del Fuego, or Mars. There is no extra charge for international i, and messages. The only caveat is that if the cell data network is used instead of Wi. FI, some of your data allotment is consumed and you’re paying for that. If you still don’t get it, this video will put it in perspective.
There is no extra charge for international i, and messages. The only caveat is that if the cell data network is used instead of Wi. FI, some of your data allotment is consumed and you’re paying for that. If you still don’t get it, this video will put it in perspective.
How to stop iMessage from sending international text messages?
In Settings -> Messages, turn “Send as SMS ” off. It really depends on both sides. If you have a data plan and your friend has a data plan then you will/can use i, and message. If your friend has no data plan then you will be sending international SMS rate. It really depends on both sides.
How do I send iMessage messages abroad without cellular service?
If you go abroad, and you use i. Message ( through the Messages app ) and you are off roaming (better yet, flight mode) and turn on Wi. Fi from the hotel or coffee shop, etc. so you are NOT on any cellular net. Then through Wi. Fi you can ONLY send messages to other users who have an i, and cloud account.