It is not necessary to open Wifi connection when restoring your device using an i. Tunes backup, here are the steps which you need to follow. On the computer wherein you have backed up data of the device, open i. Tunes and connect your device to the computer with the help of USB cable.
You can connect your device using a USB or USB-C cable or a Wi-Fi connection. To connect your device with a cable, see Sync i. Tunes content on PC with your devices. In the i. Tunes app on your PC, click the Device button near the top left of the i, and tunes window. Select the checkbox for “Sync with this [device] over Wi-Fi.” Click Apply.
You should be asking “What is iTunes WiFi sync and how does it work?”
Syncing allows you to share information with other devices. Previously, syncing your Apple device with i. Tunes was a tedious process that involved downloading unauthorized software on your devices. You could not sync your information with other phones and devices.
Do I need to be online to listen to iTunes Music?
If the music has been downloaded from the i. Tunes store app into the Music app on your phone, or synced from your computer’s i. Tunes to Music, then you don’t need to be online to listen to it.
While I was reading we ran into the inquiry “How to listen to Apple Music without WiFi?”.
Without any other apps, you can directly add Apple Music tracks to your local library so that you can listen to Apple Music without Wi, and fi. Step 1: Launch Music app and then go to the song or album that you want to download. Step 2: Tap the three-dot icon on the right of the song. Step 3: Tap “Make Available Offline” option from the pop-up list.
How to fix iTunes not syncing with iPhone?
If you sync i. Phone with i. Tunes by connecting the device to Wi. Fi, you must make sure that the i. Tunes is i. Tunes 10.5 or later version and the i. Phone runs i. OS 5 and later version., the i Tunes usually fail to sync your i. Phone if the i. Tunes or i. Phone runs the earlier version.
Itunes why is sync greyed out?
If you find the Sync button is greyed out and is not clickable. The causes usually come from i. Tunes itself, system glitches, or wrong configuration. The ultimate way to solve this problem is completely uninstalling i. Tunes and its accessories and then reinstalling it.
This of course begs the question “Why are my songs grayed out after I Turn on sync library?”
If you see songs that are grayed out and can’t be played after you turn on Sync Library, follow the steps below. Sync Library might be turned off or unable to connect to the internet on one of your devices. Check the following: If your music library is stored on a computer, make sure that Sync Library is turned on.
Why is my Shazam sync box greyed out on my iPhone?
Go into i. Tunes> preferences> general that has a box for show list checkboxes. Don’t know how mine got unchecked but it did. Checked box and shazam no more greyed out sync box. Credit – Terry Hope this is more helpful. Presumably you’re manually managing the device and the option is disabled as it isn’t relevant.
One of the next things we wondered was, why is the sync button on my iPhone greyed out?
Some sources claimed generally speaking, there is no exact reason to explain why the “Sync” button show greyed out when you attempt to sync your i. Phone with i, and tunes. Therefore, when you meet the problem, what you can do is to check the possible reasons one by one: 1. You should update the i. Tunes to the latest version before using it to sync i, and phone.